25 Books About Thanksgiving

Do you ever have this problem? Your kids know there’s a holiday coming up. All of the sudden things that used to take you 15 minutes are now taking 30 because of all the excitement. They’re fidgety in their seats and the mere mention of “break” seems to induce unprecedented excitement? This week in the home schooling blog, we will be talking about ways to incorporate this week’s holiday–Thanksgiving–with your homeschooling. Today we’ll start with turkey lit! (Did I just invent a new genre?) 1. A Plump and Perky Turkey by Teresa Bateman 2. Perky Turkey’s Perfect Plan by Judy … Continue reading

Fifty Books for the Eighth Grade

Eighth Grade Reading Lists Here is the recommended reading list for eighth graders. Make sure to provide your children with plenty of anthologies, biographies, history, and poetry. The list begins with some of the most famous poets that your eighth grader should be familiar with. 1. Emily Dickinson 2. Robert Browning 3. Thomas Macaulay 4. Horace 5. Edgar Allen Poe 6. Rudyard Kipling 7. Robert Frost 8. George Herbert 9. Shakespeare 10. Tales, Washington Irving 11. Van Loon’s Geography, Hendrick Willem Van Loon 12. Across Five Aprils, Irene Hunt 13. Life of Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Samuel … Continue reading