What Does Your Preschooler Want To Be?

Our preschool offers a book purchasing program, and yesterday we got our order. In the order was a book for my daughter, called Doctor Ted. Ted loves to pretend to be different professions, and in this book he is a doctor, prescribing full body casts to treat gingivitis and operations to treat the freckles. At times, my daughter also wants to be a doctor. Needless to say, we read the book at least 5 times yesterday. A month or so ago, after walking past a particularly intriguing garbage truck, my daughter outlined her potential career path for me. First, she … Continue reading

Disney Internship Opportunities

At times it feels like the main focus here at the Disney blog is children – well, children and we adults who hold on to that little inner something that delights in fairy tale wonder. Given the nature of Disney’s target audience, it often feels that I have nothing to offer parents of teenagers and college-age kids. So today’s blog is for you. Do you have a child in college (or are you a college student) who loves Disney, or who considers a career in Disney a dream opportunity? Then you should think about applying for a Disney internship. Anyone … Continue reading

Do You Love Your Spouse or Their Salary?

The other day Wayne and I got to talking about marriage, money, and respect. We’ve both known several people who divorced their spouses once they started bringing home the bigger paycheck. Specifically, women who divorced their husbands because they earned more than he did. “It has to do with respect,” Wayne said when we were talking about a particular friend. “She never had much respect for him to begin with. So once she started earning more, she lost what little she’d had.” “That’s pathetic!” I said. “If I ever made more than you it wouldn’t change how I felt about … Continue reading

Dreaming Dreams, Growing Up and Becoming a Man

When I was a boy I used to dream of growing up and becoming a singer on the stage in front of thousands of people. We didn’t have computers, or video games to entertain us. All we had was our imagination. My mom grew up loving Elvis. We used to hear his music all the time at home on the radio. Sometimes when I would get bored I went outside, found the old broom, and made it my “microphone” for an hour or so until I got that Elvis out of my system. Those poor neighbors. As I grew older … Continue reading

Becoming a School Bus Driver

As of May 25, 2008 I have been a stay at home dad for one year. During that time we, like many families have struggled to put bread on the table and gas in the tank. One day last winter I spoke to a friend at church who had asked about our family. He told me that he had been out of work for a while and had recently started as a substitute school bus driver. He asked me, “Have you ever thought about being a school bus driver?” I honestly have never thought of doing that. I used to … Continue reading

Can a Job Improve Your Marriage?

Once upon a time over in Pets I wrote about my life as a pets blogger and all the tales I’ve become privy to. People love talking about their fur kids as it is, but when they find out I write about pets? Wow, you should see how much more they open up! Learning I’m also a Marriage blogger doesn’t have quite the same impact. For instance, if someone’s having pet behavior or training problems they ask for my advice. People usually aren’t as eager to admit to problems in their marriages. However, one thing I’ve noticed is what a … Continue reading

Pros and Cons of Couples Working at the Same Workplace

In my previous article, I discussed the reasons why I do not think that working in the same school with my husband would be a good idea. Although my husband and I are probably best at two different schools, many couples work in the same workplace and have no troubles at all. I think that the position of the two people in the couple makes a big difference. In my situation, my husband would be my boss. I feel that more conflicts would occur between a couple if one partner is the supervisor over another. When the two share equal … Continue reading

Teach Your Child How to Dream

I’m a firm believer that children need to be taught how to dream. By “dream,” I mean having a driving hope for the future—a clear concept or idea of what they want to do or be. Every child needs to learn this, and children with special needs are no exception. Some children develop a dream for their lives from early childhood, but many children must be taught to dream. These are the kids that shrug their shoulders and say, “I dunno,” when asked about their future plans. Why Dream? A child with a dream has greater motivation to achieve. Children … Continue reading

When Mommies Have to Work

As women of the Church, we have been counseled to stay at home and raise our children rather than entering the work force. We are to be the guardians of the home, to keep it safe from outside influences, and to create a haven for our family members. However, there are now many women who find themselves having to work outside the home. They become divorced or widowed, their husbands have been injured, or their financial situation is such that two incomes are needed. When the lesson “The Women of the Church” was taught in Relief Society last week, one … Continue reading

Kids Might Not Know What Jobs and Careers are Out There

You might think that your kids are getting good guidance and exposure to career choices in school. After all, isn’t that part of what the school years are all about? But the fact is, kids may be getting a very limited exposure to what is actually out there in terms of job and career choices, and a parent can be a big help in opening up the big wide world of jobs and careers as kids are growing up. Not every child is cut out to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher or nurse. Kids may see the high profile and … Continue reading