What’s in a Name?

Do you love your name? Do you have a name that makes you original? Or do you dislike the fact that you share your name with other people? Are you named after a parent, grandparent, or someone else? Everyday we hear celebrity names and most of them sound so distinct and beautiful. You don’t hear of many celebrities with frumpy names. But, how many of them were born with their names? Angelina Jolie’s name sounds almost as exotic as she looks, but did you know Jolie is actually her middle name? She dropped her last night (Voight). Somehow, Angelina Voight … Continue reading

Baby Name Games & Celebrity Names for Babies

Renee has been doing some great articles on naming your baby: Being Proud of Your Baby’s Name Online Resources for Your Baby’s Name Top Girl Names 2006 Top Boy Names 2006 In that vein, let’s talk about celebrity baby names from Apple to Coco to Piper Maru to Zara. Here are a list of some celebrities and the baby names they chose for their little ones: Gillian Anderson of the X-Files named her daughter Piper Maru Gwyneth Paltrow’s oldest child is named Apple Princess Anne of Great Britain named her son Peter and her daughter Zara Courtney Cox Arquette and … Continue reading