Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking Today

Do it for your family. Your parents, your siblings, your spouse, your children. Do you really want to put them through the torture of seeing your health fail from smoking? Do it for the health of your family and your friends. Secondhand smoke kills approximately three thousand nonsmokers every year. If you like your friends, stop contributing to their chance of developing lung cancer with your cigarette smoke. Have you had a heart attack? I hope it was fun! Smoking increases your risk of having another one. Have you had cancer? Smoking increases your risk of developing a second type … Continue reading

Helping Someone You Love Quit Smoking

Sometimes, the hardest part of quitting smoking isn’t deciding to stop — it’s sticking with it. If someone you love has decided to quit smoking, there are certain things you can do to help make it a success. Celebrate the quit date. Help get rid of all cigarettes and ash trays in the house and car — changing the environment will help remove the temptation to light up. Tell the rest of the family and all your friends that your loved one is quitting. Ask for their support — ask that they not smoke around you, or leave cigarettes and … Continue reading

After Your Last Cigarette

If you were to smoke your last cigarette right now, your body would begin to change within just twenty minutes! The Centers for Disease Control offer these interesting facts about your body’s changes after you quit smoking. Just twenty minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate drops. Within twelve hours after quitting, the carbon monoxide levels in your blood drop to normal. When carbon monoxide gets into the body from smoking (and other sources), it combines with chemicals in your blood — preventing the blood from bringing oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs. So after just twelve hours, your … Continue reading