Accepting Your Kids Just as They Are

In a previous blog, I talked about being careful what we wish for when we spend time complaining about the mess or noise our kids make. We should stop and think about how different (and lonely) our lives would be without our kids. The same is true for those of us who have active kids. Tyler drives me nuts sometimes with his high energy level but all it takes is for me to see a child who is physically unable to run, jump and play to make me realize that I am fortunate to have a healthy child. When you’re … Continue reading

Peaks at Winter CHA Releases Part 1

With CHA just around the corner, I have been watching anxiously to find out what all of the new release items with be at the trade show. Out of the 3 main craft trade shows that are held each year, the winder trade show seems to have the most newly released items. I would like to share with you a few of my favorite items that will soon be available. Sassafrass Lass. This company is well known for the playful designs of their stamps. They also have offered paper, but I haven’t ever owned any. But they are coming out … Continue reading

How To Quiet Your Little Chatterbox

Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted one child and I wanted that one child to be a girl. When I turned 36 and the rabbit finally died, I was overjoyed. I had visions of this little mini-me running around all sassy and cute. As with most “advanced maternal age” pregnant women, it was recommended that I take a whole slew of tests, one ofthese tests was a level three ultrasound. Thanks to this high-powered machine, I found out quite early that I was having a boy. A boy! I literally cried when I was told there would be … Continue reading