Keep in Contact with People who Might Help Your Business

It can be easy to get swallowed up within the daily operations of our home businesses. Once we decide to go solo and start our businesses, it can seem as though our world has gotten smaller—at least in the beginning stages. It is so important, however, to keep in contact with those people whom we meet or people from our old life. After all, they may be able to help us as we build our businesses. I am NOT advocating using people or keeping people in your roll-o-dex just in case you might need them for your home business operations; … Continue reading

How Many Contacts Does it Take for a Sale?

I have heard all sorts of theories about how many conversations and contacts or “touches” a business owner can anticipate before a sale is made or a customer brought on board—everything from five to ten to twenty different “touches” in order to finally reel someone in. Instead of focusing on the numbers, however, I do think we can concentrate on interacting with our prospects in different ways and making sure we “layer” our approach in order to reach them. Here is a personal example from my own life: nearly two years ago, I signed up to receive an e-mail newsletter … Continue reading

Need to Get Motivated? Consider Community Service

I maintain that running a solid, successful business and being an involved community member go hand-in-hand. Some of the most successful business people I have known have also been quite involved in community and civic projects. Now, I’m not just talking about writing a check or making a donation here—I think that spending some time on community service is one of the best ways to motivate oneself and invigorate a small business. Community service can be anything that moves you and that you feel passionate about. If you are volunteering just to make contacts or choosing a cause that is … Continue reading

Work Those Relationships!

I don’t think that enough can be said about networking when it comes to building our home businesses. And, while it is important to constantly be fishing for prospects and looking for new relationships that could benefit our businesses, we have to pay close attention to our existing relationships too. If there was one phrase of advice I could give to anyone thinking about or already operating a home-based business, it would be to work those relationships! But, what does this mean? What it doesn’t mean is to pester and try to slam people into being more involved with your … Continue reading