Is Your Argument over Control?

One aspect of a relationship that many couples struggle with is power. Whenever a couple becomes engaged in an argument it often goes deeper than the issue at hand. Rather than fighting over the incident that occurred, many couples are actually fighting over who has more control or power in the relationship. Many partners like to know that they can have influence over their mate’s actions and thoughts. Women like to feel that they have say in their men’s habits and actions, especially when it comes to going out with friends or staying out after work. Men like to think … Continue reading

Examining Control Issues

Does your relationship ever suffer from control issues? Not sure? If not, see if you answer yes to any of the following questions: • Do you ever see your spouse doing some task that is not the way you do it and tell them they’re doing it wrong? (And then proceed to show them how to do it right, a.k.a. “your way.”) • Has your spouse ever watched you do some task and commented that you’re not doing it right? (a.k.a. “their way”) • Do you ever not want your spouse to do some task because you know he or … Continue reading

When a Child Has Control Issues

I have written before about how we parents can let our control issues influence and affect our parenting, but it is not always the parents who have control issues or who wrestle with being overly controlling. Sometimes, it is our child or children who may be trying to get everything to go their way. Are there things we can do as parents to help a child with control issues learn to let go? The first thing to ask ourselves is what is really going on with a child who needs and wants to control so much around him? While it … Continue reading

Control Issues & Jealousy

What is a control issue and what does it have to do with marriage? Control issues usually take place in a marriage when one partner or the other or both are feeling jealous, threatened, insecure or possessive. Those negative emotions can spawn a need to control what is happening in their life, even when they have no ability to apply control or to influence the outcome. It can be even worse for their partner as they try to control them as well. Loss of Control Control issues and jealousy do not always go hand in hand, but if you’ve ever … Continue reading

Married Life: A Tale of Give and Take

Married life requires individuals to develop trust and a balance between giving and taking. Control issues can often trip up couples up when they are learning to mesh their lives and their habits together into a cohesive whole. Even couples who cohabitated before they got married discover that married life is very different in expectation and execution. Whether you are used to having control issues or not, when two people join their lives together – there is always a certain amount of power struggle that occurs. It doesn’t even have to be a conscious struggle for power, the need for … Continue reading