Fitness Tips: Healthy Mistakes

The title sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But there are a lot of healthy mistakes we all make and the scary thing is, we don’t even recognize them as mistakes when we do them. Mistake Number One: Sleeping in on the Weekends We get up early all week long, so turning off the alarm and just sleeping in a few extra hours on the weekend sounds like a great plan. Unfortunately, most people who sleep in late when they get up early the rest of the week face a problem called sleep inertia – they are groggy and have … Continue reading

The Do’s and Don’ts of Stretching

Stretching is an important part of overall fitness. It can improve range of motion and flexibility. Be sure to use correct form when you are stretching and in the meanwhile, here are some do’s and don’ts to keep yourself on track. Do: Stretch after a warm up and perform them with slow deliberateness in order to avoid injury Listen to your body and don’t try to overextend yourself, stretching is not supposed to injure your muscles Practice holding your stretches for 10 seconds, holding for loads longer doesn’t offer you much more Breathe through the stretches, practice deep breathing in … Continue reading

Warm Ups & Cool Downs – What You Need to Know

Warming up is what we do before exercising. Cooling down is what we do afterwards. You need to be sure you understand not only why we warm up and cool down, but right things to do and the things that you definitely don’t. Do: Give yourself at least 5 to 10 minutes to warm up before beginning a work out Practice full range of motion for your joints during warm up Start out slow and easy, remember it is called warming up for a reason Be sure to give yourself 3 to 6 minutes to cool down after a work … Continue reading