How to Cancel a Credit Card

If you read my blog entry yesterday, you may be deciding which credit cards you would like to cancel. I thought it might help to offer up a few tips on how to cancel a credit card. First, there is no wrong way to cancel a credit card account. Still, there are some important steps to follow in the process. 1. Make sure you have paid off every cent on your account before you attempt to cancel. Even if you have a small balance, if you try to cancel the card it can wreck havoc with the credit card company. … Continue reading

Closing Credit Accounts

Many years ago, I cleaned up my credit. I had paid off all my debts (minus our mortgage) and wanted to simplify my credit assortment. Back then, I had no awareness of credit scores. All I knew was I didn’t want to have so many accounts to keep track of. Today, the talk of the town is about improving credit scores. What I didn’t realize back then, was that closing off most of your credit accounts can actually hurt your score. Still, if you want to simplify, there are ways to do that and still maintain a decent credit report. … Continue reading

Ensure your Credit Security Through Credit Cards

I realize many people out there shun credit cards entirely. While I can see their point, they are actually bucking a system ingrained in society. By doing this, they are inadvertently hurting themselves. Yes, credit cards can be black holes into debt and financial ruin, except, they are not a loaded gun. You have to use them incorrectly to get yourself in trouble. There is no accidental debt. The problem with not having credit cards is our society has become so reliant on them. Therefore, so have the credit bureaus for their credit reports and scores. By avoiding credit cards … Continue reading

Repair Credit

If you have a poor credit score, it is time to get in gear. There are many ways to improve your report, but they all take time to heal the injuries. Therefore, it is important to start now, and then you can reap the benefits of good credit sooner than later. The first step should be to get your most recent credit report from all three reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You are entitled to one free report each year, so this is well worth your time. The best place to visit is; they will easily process your … Continue reading

Bills & Online Banking

Have you noticed that your billing statements often arrive quite close to their due dates? During the busy holiday season, as the post office is more strapped for time, many customers are finding their statement arriving in such little time before they are due. For someone living from paycheck to paycheck, this can be tricky for budgeting. In addition, if you travel frequently or don’t have time to review all your monthly statements when they arrive, you may find yourself paying late, thus incurring late fees or interest payments. The Fair Credit Billing Act does set standards on when companies … Continue reading

Credit Scores and Reports

Have you requested your credit report and score recently? If you did, you may have noticed a separate report that lists some information about your score. This accompanying report is as important as the score itself, so pay close attention to it. Most credit reporting agencies will provide you a separate statement in addition to your actual credit score. This statement is intended to provide you valuable information about why your score is what it is. While this statement will help you better understand your report and score, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, no one … Continue reading