Avoiding the Unpleasant

We’ve probably all had the experience at some stage of finding certain people rub us up the wrong way. Undoubtedly then we try and avoid them. We make sure we don’t get into conversation with them, or we’re always busy and have something else we need to do or somewhere else we need to be when they are around. We avoid those people and the circumstances which we find unpleasant. It can even happen that we start to void and pull away from our spouse, especially if it is starting to be an unpleasant experience. For example if you are … Continue reading

Perspective Plays a Big Part

Perspective plays a big part in marriage. Perspective is not something just confined to photography and the creative arts. If we want a happy lasting marriage we need to have the right perspective. In the scheme of life, we need to decide firstly on having a positive perspective. This means looking at your marriage and your spouse in the best light possible. All too often we can be blind to all the loving, kind and thoughtful things our spouse does. But as soon as they make a mistake or do something that annoys or displeases us, we are quick to … Continue reading

Words from Within

A friend recently started me thinking about this as she was praying a talk about the church being destroyed from within. It’s a scary thought and yet I can see exactly where she’s coming from. Words are dangerous tools. They can do so much good and also so much harm. Ephesians 4:29-32 has some interesting things to say about unhelpful, unwholesome talk. I find it interesting that it comes straight after a passage about not giving the devil a foothold. He can so easily get a foothold on conversations with gossip, sarcasm, criticism, off color jokes – all things to … Continue reading

Top Tips for Communicating Effectively

Sometimes we have trouble communicating even with those we love. So here are some tips to help you communicate more effectively with your spouse. 1. Listen to them. Really listen. Don’t be in such a hurry to have your own say that you don’t listen carefully. I’m constantly amazed at the number of people who interrupt because they are so desperate to have their say. Show your spouse he same courtesy you would like yourself and should show to others by listening. 2. Be careful of what you say and the manner in which you say it. Don’t put your … Continue reading

Identifying Weeds in a Marriage

Yesterday we looked at a few deceptive weeds that can creep into a marriage by looking attractive at first. A lot depends on your definition of weed. You might have different ideas about what is a weed and what is not. Though other people might call them flowers, like snowball trees, snowdrops, or white jonquils to me they are weeds. In our garden anything that flowers white is a weed by my standards. Mick dutifully g digs them out, because he knows how I hate them. But some weeds easy to spot. Here, in no particular order, are some weeds … Continue reading

Closed or Open Minds?

Yesterday we saw the Pharisees finding fault and criticizing Jesus and his followers. Nothing has changed. There are plenty of people today who criticize Jesus and his followers. In Luke 5:33 and 34, the Pharisees criticized Jesus because his followers did not fast as the followers of John the Baptist and their own followers did. Jesus knew a time would come when his disciples would fast and mourn, but it was not yet- not while He was with them. Jesus was intent on showing the Pharisees that he was the new and only way to God, rather than through keeping … Continue reading

Dealing with Criticism

Sometimes God speaks clearly to us from the Bible or during our prayer time about sins we need to confess in our lives. Sometimes it comes through the words of another person. The apostle Paul had harsh words for some of the churches. The Galatians he challenged about trading in the gospel message for one based on works, He called them ‘foolish Galatians,’ 3:1 and went on to detail why they are being foolish. He also challenged the Corinthians about their behavior, 1 Corinthians 1:11, 3:3 ‘not to shame them but because he loves them,’ 1 Corinthians 4:14. In 1 … Continue reading

The Church is Still True

The Relief Society president told me I’m fat. The Cub Scout leader made fun of my son when he couldn’t remember the Cub Scout promise. The elders quorum president forgot to arrange for help when I moved and I ended up doing the whole thing myself. When I told the bishop about my marital problems, he said I needed to be more humble. My home teacher thinks I don’t have enough faith. In every branch of the Church, in every state, country and province in the world, you will find ward members that don’t get along. There will always be … Continue reading

More Advice Regarding Household Chores

We’ve been looking at the importance of communication and appreciation in allocating and doing household chores. Two other points worth mentioning are the need to prioritize tasks. When writing out a list of jobs that need doing also jot down which ones are most important. Some jobs that need to be done every day, others maybe only once or twice a week. Decide which jobs are essential and which can be let slide a little. I had a friend years ago who vacuumed her floors every day. Do floors need vacuuming every day? I don’t think so. Of course she … Continue reading

Greatest American Dog: Further Criticisms about the Show

One of the reality TV shows I ended up enjoying the most was Kid Nation. I wish the Greatest American Dog had a format more like that. Why I Liked Kid Nation I was not expecting to like the show. A bunch of kids forming their own society? Um, yeah, I couldn’t see how that’d be interesting. So I didn’t watch. But Wayne did. He DVRd the first episode and was raving so much about it curiosity won out. I watched and fell in love with those kids. It was hard not to be impressed by so many of them. … Continue reading