What To Do When You’ve Got a Crush on Someone Other Than Your Spouse

On my article Are Crushes Natural?, a reader left a comment about how she’s happily married but developed a big crush on someone else. She even tried to hook the guy up with an available friend, but that only made her think about him more. She admitted she knows she needs to stop thinking about him, but also that she hopes the friend and him decide not to see each other again. Yikes. That’s a tough situation to be in. Now some of you will take objection to that and say “If she’s so happily married, why would another man … Continue reading

Have You Made a List of Those You Find Attractive?

In a previous article Courtney discussed the natural instinct that humans have to have crushes. Being physically attracted to other people is all a part of our human characteristics. Upon meeting or seeing someone new, people can become fixated or attracted to beautiful people within the first half of a second of seeing them. It is natural to want to look or even stare at people that we find to be attractive. Research has shown that our eyes automatically give attention to those of the opposite sex. The attention lasts depending on how attractive we feel that the person is. … Continue reading

Attractions to Coworkers

Most American adults spend much of their time at work. Many adults work more than the traditional forty-hour week. Some adults are working overtime or two jobs just to make ends meet. Some of our best friends come from coworkers. I occasionally keep in touch with friends from high school. However, it is much easier to make friends at work. Coworkers are the people that I see most often. I have more in common with them now than friends outside of the workplace. In some weeks and some days, I spend more time with my coworkers than I do with … Continue reading

Are Crushes Natural?

I’m no expert, but I would have to say yes. Crushes happen. And not just to school girls and boys. Saying “I do” and donning a ring on your left hand isn’t an inoculation against infatuation with people other than your spouse. Dirty Little Secrets But no one really talks about it. I’ve seen girlfriends of mine get a little giddy when someone other than their spouse walks into a room. They act a little different, smile a little more, flirt even. It can be anyone from a co-worker to a family friend. I’ve teased a few of them about … Continue reading

Tips For Dealing With Hurt Feelings On Valentine’s Day

Next month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. When I was in elementary and middle school, we exchanged cards and candy with our classmates. I remember how we would eagerly count our stash to see just who had the most cards. I also remember that some of my classmates didn’t receive many cards and I always felt sorry for those kids. I always gave each of classmates a card, even the ones I didn’t like. My close friends received candy as well as a card. Another thing I recall about Valentine’s Day was that this seemed to be the day when secret … Continue reading