3 Rs in Marriage

Yes, I’m back with the alphabetical marriage blogs. Today it’s Rs turn. And I’ve got three critical Rs. Aretha got it right when she sang about it and it should be a key ingredient in marriage – respect. Respect This is as an even more important ingredient in a marriage than the one which follows it, though that one is necessary too. Wives need to respect their husbands. But it’s not all one way. Husbands also need to respect their wives. In each case this means not putting them down, not treating them like they are inferior or second class … Continue reading

17 Ways to Brighten Your Spouse’s Day

It’s the little things that brighten our day, like the person who rings just to check how you are because they haven’t seen you for a while. Like the friend who rings to cheer you on and encourage you when you’re feeling down after bad news. It’s the little things in marriage that are important too. What things? Here’s a check list of little ways you can encourage your spouse and let them know you love them. See how many you can add to your marriage this week. 1. Encourage your spouse when they take on something new. 2. You … Continue reading

25 Inexpensive but Fun Ways to Spend Together Time with Your Spouse.

Yesterday’s blog featured the importance of sharing common interests and spending time together as couple, talking and being involved in each other’s interests and lives. Sadly too many couples seem to live almost independent of each other these days and do not put enough emphasis and value on spending time together. No matter how busy life is, I can’t stress how important it is to maintain your relationship and make sure you keep a regular date night or time together without family. So here are 21 ideas, most of which won’t cost the earth: 1. Cook a meal and go … Continue reading

Creating a Date Night

I regret the demise of wine and dine – those intimate little candle-lit restaurants that used to be around when Mick and I were young. You could have a meal,enjoy listening to someone sing romantic songs and play the piano, or get up and dance. I’m talking, the old time dances where partners actually held each other in their arms. Never having much money we only went to such places for an anniversary, birthday or special evening out. These days the win and dine seems to have disappeared. So the other night we created our own. We went out to … Continue reading

Make Time For Each Other

In all marriages it is important to make time to be together, alone- away from family and friends. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been married a long time or only a short time, whether your have a family or not. We need to take time just to spend together, enjoying each other’s company and connecting. Too often, work and family pressures can stop us from spending time together. It is too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect what, after our relationship with God, should be our most important relationship, that with our spouse. They … Continue reading

Date Night at a Haunted House is Supposed to Be Fun, Right?

From the time I was allowed to watch them, I’ve always loved horror movies. In my teenage years I was less discriminating and would give almost any of them a shot. These days I don’t watch every single one, and I don’t like ones that are just about guts and gore. There has to be some kind of plot and, preferably, some kind of reason, twist, or mystery associated with the chills. Wayne’s always been a good sport and humored my horror movie loving ways. He’ll go see them with me, even though he doesn’t much like them himself. It … Continue reading

1997-2007 – The Gate Closes

This is a bit of an off the cuff blog, but last night on the Sci Fi channel, they aired the last first run episode of Stargate SG-1. The show premiered in September of 1997 and was a follow up to a 1994 film. I have some nostalgia related to Stargate SG-1 because it premiered the first year my husband and I lived together. We weren’t huge television watchers, but we’d been big fans of the movie when it came out. We set aside some time the night it aired and watched the two-hour premiere. We had no idea then, … Continue reading

Re-Investing In Your Marriage – Planning Date Nights

Setting up a date night takes some forethought and planning whether your kids are eight weeks, eight months or eight years old. Childcare is something you should always plan ahead. For the very young children, this may just mean getting the kids settled down for the night and enjoying some quality time together snuggling on the sofa. If you are one of those couples that always seems to have something come up and interrupt the plans you’ve made, it may just be that you need to designate one night a week that is just for the two of you – … Continue reading

Planning a Frugal Date Night

With our soaring utility bills, money is tight these days and it’s hard to justify frivolous spending. We’re also trying to put money away for a rainy day, so to speak – our next big family vacation. So, we’re limited on the expendable funds that we have – but we still want to be able to enjoy our date nights that we plan for. Where once upon a time we went out to dinner or to a movie or both, now we’ve found ways to still get our quality time and togetherness, without spending a lot of extra money. Friday … Continue reading

Romantic Moments in a Movie

Continuing our romantic movie theme, here are my two favorite romantic scenes from two great romantic movies almost fifty years a part in their first airing. Say Anything (1989) Lloyd Dobler’s hoisting of the boom box in front of his unsuspecting girl friend’s window is one of John Cusack’s most iconic roles. Lloyd is a regular guy and he is a genuinely nice one at the same time. He’s fallen in love with his class’s most intelligent and beautiful student played by Ione Skye. When she dumps him because of her father’s over protectiveness, he appears beneath her bedroom window … Continue reading