Your Guide to Insurance Savings

Everyone has to carry some form of insurance, whether it is homeowners insurance, renters insurance, auto insurance or private medical insurance. Being able to find ways to reduce the amount that you have to pay on your premiums is important. With less money leaving your family budget for insurance, you’ll have more money for savings and other needed expenses. 1. Raise your deductible If your insurance deductible is less than $500, consider raising it to at least that amount. The higher your deductible, the lower your insurance rate. The deductible is the amount that you will pay first before the … Continue reading

Home-Owner’s Insurance: The Real Deal

How can you know what kind of insurance is best for you and your pocketbook? Where can you find the necessary information? There are no quick answers, only suggestions. Here are some below. The first thing to do is to shop around. Ask people you know, as a personal reference is always best. (You can also stand on a street corner and ask people you don’t know, but this course of action is not recommended.) Contact your state insurance department and check out consumer guides and online insurance quote services. This will help you establish a price range for home … Continue reading

Auto Insurance Policies 101: Optional Coverage-Collision

Collision is the portion of an auto insurance policy that specifically covers damages to your own vehicle. While collision insurance is not required by state insurance laws finance companies generally require you to insure for collision. Most finance companies will ask to be named as “lienholder” on your auto insurance policy for a financed car. Collision insurance isn’t required automobile insurance, but you may want the coverage to protect your car even if you have paid your loan off. Collision insurance covers the damages to your vehicle in an automobile accident, when you are “at fault”. The standard collision automobile … Continue reading