Genealogy Glossary

There are many words and phrases used in genealogy that we sometimes do not see or use in every day life. To succeed in genealogy, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with them. Listed here are just some of the many words and phrases you may come across during your genealogical research. There is also a list of sites that offer more comprehensive genealogy glossaries. Ahnentafal: A table of someone’s ancestors in which a numbering system is used. This word derives from the the German Ahnen meaning ancestor, and Tafel meaning table. Ancestor: Any person that someone is … Continue reading

Book Review: The Encyclopedia of Adoption, Third Edition

The Encyclopedia of Adoption by Christine Adamec and Laurie Miller, MD contains brief entries on a large number of terms and subjects relevant to adoption. Adamec is a medical writer and Miller is a director of an international adoption medicine clinic. The book covers terms and issues found in domestic infant adoptions (both agency and independent), child welfare system adoptions, international adoptions, and kinship adoptions. The book’s focus is breadth, not depth. My first reaction was that, after nearly a decade of reading adoption magazines, I was not learning anything from the book. I thought it might be appropriate only … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – B

Back to basics: A back to basics approach suggest teaching children in lower grades reading, writing, and arithmetic and factual knowledge only. It suggests leaving out lessons that mold and socialize children like sex Ed, tolerance, and other feel good topics found in schools. Benchmarks: Benchmarks are set by the state and governmental education departments and dictate standards for children’s’ knowledge base for each grade or age level. These standards are also set for the beginning middle and end of the school year. Benefits: Regardless of the reason, if you choose to homeschool you will be sure to discover numerous … Continue reading

Fitness Terminology – The Fun Side of Fitness

Time to tickle your Friday Fitness Funny bone. Alliteration always accentuates activity and achievement – but funny fitness fun day foibles filter flaws and Friday fritters. Yeah, that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it is funny! The point being – it’s Friday – it’s FUNDAY – it’s time to get ready for your weekend and to slough off the week of tension, work and stress. Let’s make your fitness a little funnier and remember – relaxation and sleep are a part of any good fitness routine. Getting rid of stress and anxiety will make you a happier and … Continue reading