More Ways To Reduce Your Diabetes Risk

Little changes in your life can add up to a HUGE decrease in your risk of developing diabetes. You don’t have to do something dramatic to help protect your body. Drinking just one regular soda every day can raise your risk of developing diabetes more than eighty percent. All those empty calories can add up to weight gain — a major risk factor for diabetes. Switch to diet soda if you must drink soda; drinking water or unsweetened tea is much better for you! Skipping breakfast can raise your risk of developing diabetes as much as fifty percent. They don’t … Continue reading

Reduce Your Diabetes Risk

There are two BIG things you can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes: eat right and exercise regularly. But helping your body resist diabetes goes beyond just food and exercise. Belly fat can raise your risk of diabetes by more than three hundred percent! The fat in your abdomen may be producing compounds that make your cells resistant to insulin. The American Heart Association says that even at a normal weight for your height, extra belly fat can be a problem. Make sure your routine includes three to five sessions of cardiovascular exercise a week. Stress can raise … Continue reading