Exercise and Diet Together Help Weight Loss

Thinking about losing some weight? You’ve probably found tons of advice that suggests how to do that. Some of it might contradict the other pieces of advice. Those of you who are confused about what the best plan for weight loss is may want to consider what a recent study found. It turns out you need to focus on both exercise and diet together. A Stanford study about weight gain and obesity was making the rounds on the internet recently. The lead author of the study was Dr. Uri Ladabaum, a Stanford gastroenterologist. In short, he describes the results as … Continue reading

The Truth About Your Diet During Pregnancy

One of the assumptions I made about pregnancy prior to becoming pregnant is I’d have a diet-related Get out of Jail Free card.  I knew that there are certain foods it’s best to avoid, but I thought at least I’d have a free pass to eat, well, not quite as much as I wanted, but to feel a bit more guilt-free about evening ice cream binges. That turned out not to be the case at all.  First off, the whole “eating for two” thing isn’t true.  At most, you should eat for one and a quarter.  In addition to that, … Continue reading

Lifestyle Replacing Diet Plans?

You might be surprised to learn that less and less people (especially women) are dieting.  At first, this might sound like a bad thing.  After all, isn’t obesity a significant problem in the United States?  Shouldn’t more people be dieting? Well there are a couple of issues to consider.  The first is that many women are starting to embrace and accept their bodies.  Not that they don’t want to make healthy changes.  But there is less concern about being stick-thin. Others truly don’t see having too much weight as being unattractive. There are a couple of ways to look at … Continue reading

How Life Changes Can Affect Your Work

Whether you have a home – based business or you work outside of the home, there really is no way to prevent things from your non – work life from affecting your work day. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon the nature of what is going on in your life and how it affects your work. Of course, the effects can be small or large depending upon what you have going on. They may be things that only you can see or feel, or they may be things that other people can notice. One … Continue reading

Negative Consequences of Yo-Yo Dieting

Most of us know that yo-yo dieting (losing weight, gaining weight, losing again, gaining again) isn’t good for your health.  Studies in the past have suggested that it could lead to gallbladder disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also have a negative psychological impact, such as leading to depression.  It can actually decrease your motivation and make you feel that weight loss will never happen. According to new research by Wake Forest University, in postmenopausal women yo-yo dieting may actually increase the risk of developing heart disease.  One of the things that can happen is that although blood … Continue reading

Making New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, I am thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution.  I know, many people say when you do this, you are only setting yourself up for failure.  But sometimes, you just need something to get you kicked off in the right direction. This year, as with all years in the past, I am resolving to lose weight.  Oh, I know I can do it – I lost 30 pounds three years ago.  And then gained it all back within the stressful last two years of returning to the workforce, moving, and changing jobs twice. But this year, I need to … Continue reading