A Gift of Knowledge for Genealogists

If you are looking for a genealogy themed gift that is unique, why not get together with a couple of people and give your favorite genealogy buff the gift of discovering genealogy in a whole new way. Ancestry.com has a new product, Ancestry DNA, that enables users to discover their ethnic roots and further their family history research. Genetic genealogy is an area that many genealogists are curious about but might not take the initiative to explore on their own. Ancestry DNA is what its name implies, a DNA test. Since it links into a person’s Ancestry.com account, it can … Continue reading

Never Too Late to Set Up a Budget

Newlyweds are the most likely to set up a budgeting plan. This is especially true when they begin the adventure of saving for a house and then eventually purchasing one. But budgeting is something we can benefit from no matter how long we have been married. Lately my husband and I have come to realize that we need to get back onto a budget. Since I work as a freelance writer my work is kind of like feast or famine. I have my really good months where we can spend a little extra on things like going out to dinner … Continue reading

Should You Get A Home DNA Kit?

In the past few years, there have been quite a few companies that will sell you a “home DNA kit”. You place an order, pay for it, provide a sample of your genetic material, and send it off to a lab. The results you get back will tell you what, exactly, is in your genes. Some people question the reliability of these tests. Are these simple to use DNA tests really a good idea? You can probably think of at least one of the companies that sells DNA collection kits. They have funny names like deCODEme, 23andMe, and DNA11, just … Continue reading

Easy Ways for Single Parents to Make Extra Money

One of my biggest challenges being a single mom is dealing with finances, especially around birthdays and holidays. However, I have discovered some easy ways to make a little extra money when times are tight (well, tighter than normal, anyways). eBay and Craigslist Ebay and Craiglist are excellent places to sell your old, unwanted things online. I usually put smaller items on eBay and larger items on Craigslist. I can typically earn an extra $50-$100 selling mostly old clothes and toys on eBay. Craigslist has always been hit-or-miss for me. I once listed a treadmill for $75, and it was … Continue reading

Getting Your Finances Straight Before the Hospital Bills Arrive

When it comes to paying for prenatal care and labor and delivery, get your ducks in a row before you give birth. While eight months may not be enough time to get completely prepared financially, preparing for the large stack of bills before they arrive will give you the upper hand and reduce your stress. First of all, figure out what you can afford. Not many people have the kind of cash it takes to pay a hospital bill in full when it is due, so most of us end up making monthly payments. Figure out what the maximum monthly … Continue reading

The Cost of a Cloth Diaper Stash

The costs begin to grow long before a baby is even born. For parents who are expecting a new baby, the initial outlay of cash for cloth diapers can seem substantial and overwhelming. Even the most expensive ordinary diapers do tend to be worth it in the end, but in the beginning those costs are daunting. What will it cost to create a cloth diaper stash? The wonderful thing about cloth diapers is that they are so diverse. You can choose cloth diapers that are handmade by artisans, with covers that are embroidered or hand painted. These will likely run … Continue reading

Straight from High School to College?

Is it a good idea to go straight from high school to college? Many young people I know have chosen to take a year’s break and defer their college or university for a year and do one of two things. I’ll talk about one today and the other in my next education blog. Sometimes finances play a part and the parents may not have enough money to pay for college without some assistance. So some young people will work for twelve months in any job they can find to help get a little money saved towards that. I have friends … Continue reading

Finances, Work and Marriage

Who is the main financial planner in your marriage? Is it you or your spouse? According to Nancy Gibbs in her article What Women Want Now, 65% of women cite themselves as being the family’s main financial planner. 71% labeled themselves the ’family accountant.’ Mediamark Research and Intelligence tends to back up those claims saying women in the make 75% of the buying decision in home in the USA. I wonder is it any different in Australia or the U.K. Anyone care to comment? Despite the recession and economic downturn many women have more control over money than ever before. … Continue reading

Growing Your Own Vegetables

There’s nothing quite like vegetables from your own garden. They have a freshness and taste that is missing from shop bought vegetables and fruit. Part of our garden is dedicated to growing vegetables and some fruit. It helps the finances as well. The other week Mick bought vegetable plants. He usually grows tomatoes. They have a totally different taste to shop bought tomatoes. Most years our tomatoes are in well before this, but because he was unwell it didn’t happen as early in spring this time so he bought larger plants that he would normally. Beans we grow from seed. … Continue reading

How a Piece of Paper Can Save You Thousands of Dollars

There are many uses and reuses for an ordinary piece of paper. From using junk mail as scrap paper to using both sides of a piece of paper before recycling it, you can reduce the amount of paper that you waste. But this blog post isn’t about conserving paper. No. Actually it is about using paper to save money. Research shows that when you physically write down goals, you are 30 percent more successful at actually reaching them. It seems like such as simple trick to help us do almost anything we need to do. So why not use a … Continue reading