Chubby Babies Don’t Make Desirable Cover Models

In my opinion there’s nothing more delicious than a marshmallow-cheeked baby with Michelin Man arms and chunky monkey thighs. Unfortunately, my penchant for chubby infants is one of the reasons why I would never make it as a magazine editor in Britain. Fortunately, I would rather mother butterball babies than edit photos of them, so I’m not too broken up about my fate. However, there are plenty of parents on both sides of the Atlantic who are irate about re-touched photos of plump tots being featured on the covers of international glossies. According to reports, several British parenting magazines have … Continue reading

Make Exercise Cool

I don’t have a preteen yet, my daughter is just 6. But we had a tweenager/pre-teen living across the street and a couple of our friends have eleven and twelve year olds respectively. Sometime between elementary school where my daughter is now and middle school where their kids are – exercise and playtime becomes seriously not cool. For example, my daughter has two full recesses a day in elementary school: thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the afternoon. She also enjoys 50 minutes of physical education twice every six days. In middle school, there’s about fifteen minutes … Continue reading

How Effective are those Fancy Exercise Machines?

If you are trying to get into shape then those incessant commercials hawking fancy (see: expensive) exercise equipment are bound to catch your eye, draw you in and have you contemplating paying five easy installments of $99.99. But wait! Before you get out your credit card consider the information in this blog, which provides details on one of the hottest exercise machines on the market. The Skorcher promises to deliver major results in half the time, but does it? SKORCHER The Skorcher is a fitness machine that is designed to specifically target the thighs and butt. The commercial claims that … Continue reading