When Is It Emotional Cheating?

Last time I wrote about the importance of our friends, how they’re still so necessary even when we’re married.  I said that we can get some things from our friends that we can’t from our spouses.  That can be anything from goofy times, to a chance to talk about our relationship/our spouse (not bad mouth, but just to talk), to even filling some emotional needs. Now, I realize that this could be a dangerous line.  Emotional cheating is very real, and it’s not something to be taken lightly.  So today I wanted to point out the difference between having some … Continue reading

Building a Hedge Around Your Marriage

You may have heard the terminology of building a hedge around your marriage. I first became familiar with this term while listening to a pastor at church preach on the subject. But even if you aren’t religious, you can use this advice to help protect your marriage. Did you know that 70 percent of all married men and 60 percent of all married women have had affairs? This information comes from Dr. Holly Hein, author of the book, Sexual Detours. That translates roughly into only one out of three marriages where the husband and the wife are completely faithful to … Continue reading

Are You Breaking Faith, Emotionally?

We all have friends or confidants that we enjoy talking to. We call them after a bad day; we call them after a good day. We may get together with them once or twice a week to just hang out and have a cup of coffee and a chat about all the things that are wrong or right that day. We need these friendships and those friendships sustain is in the workplace, while we are volunteering, outside of our kids activities as we swap stories in the 45 minutes or so we have to stand around and wait. But when … Continue reading

An Emotional Affair

When a relationship isn’t going well, it’s commonplace to share problems with an objective friend or acquaintance. Sometimes, this type of intimate communication can lead to more. You may start out just looking for a shoulder, but if you find a ready and willing listener who seems to truly care about your feelings, you may be tempted to turn to this person for emotional fulfillment instead of turning to your spouse. This is how so many affairs begin. There is something missing, something that one spouse needs that he or she is not getting from the marriage. When that spouse … Continue reading