Mother’s Blog About Mentally Ill Son Goes Viral

A mother has written a blog that has been passed around the internet via Facebook and in links in several other blogs and news articles. In it, she discusses her fear that her son will someday do something similar to what Adam Lanza did in Connecticut. It is an eye-opening piece of writing. Yesterday, I wrote a blog that clarified that not all people who have Asperger’s Syndrome are violent. Some can, and do, express loud, verbal, outbursts or may push someone away from them. Typically, the violence that people with Asperger’s Syndrome express is not premeditated or planned out. … Continue reading

Stuck in a Bind

It’s the week of finals, so when my son woke up with a high fever last night I was more than a little worried about what the following day would bring. I gave him some medicine and comforted him as best I could until he fell asleep again. We made it through the night only to find that the fever had not subsided this morning. Most daycares are sticklers when it comes to caring for sick children, and for good reason. They can’t have all the other kids getting sick, and our daycare is no exception. Normally I would take … Continue reading

Thank Goodness for That Village!

I am hours away from embarking on several “firsts” for me–my first international business trip, my first international flight, the first time I’ve left my kids for more than a few days–as a long-time single parent, I have to admit that I never imagined I would be able to do all these things or thought I would every have a strong enough support network to trust enough to leave my kids for so long! I suppose this is a great example of why letting others in to help and building a strong support network for a single parent family can … Continue reading

Weaving God’s Love Across Cultures: Transracial Adoption and Faith (Book Review)

When the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America committed to exploring strategies for ministry to different ethnic groups, a group of adoptive parents and adoptees saw an opportunity to educate faith communities about adoption and provide resources to help families connect their adoption experiences with spiritual issues. Interested Christians of several denominations and ethnicities gathered in Seattle in the fall of 2002 to share ideas. The result was the book Weaving God’s Love Across Cultures: Transracial Adoption and Faith, edited by Rev. Mary Lindberg, containing contributions by adoptive parents, teen and adult adoptees, clergy, social workers and even a Korean birthmother. … Continue reading

Are You Connecting With Your Family?

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things that I have to accomplish. It is not that it is an overwhelming number of things, but rather that I seldom have an entire day that I spend at home. There is something to be said for having the chance to gather your children around you, and spending the entire day together as a family. It is easy to have your children become so involved with everything that is offered to them (sports, dance, and school activities), that we neglect to spend time together as a family creating the … Continue reading