Becoming an Adoptive Parent: Adjustments I Had to Make

There were a number of lifestyle changes that I had to make in order to adopt five children. Throughout my working career, I always said that the one thing that I was going to do when I retired was sleep late every day. That thought is now officially a joke. We have five boys and only one of them is a late sleeper. At least I do not have to get up in the night for baby feeding any more. I also thought that perhaps I would get to play a little golf after I quit working. I have given … Continue reading

A Whole New You

I got off to a late start today, so I apologize if I come across as brusque here. Late starts always make me cranky. I’m an early riser by nature and I’m usually up and working by 4 most mornings. Today I didn’t even roll over until 6. That’s usually a bad omen for me! However, in the course of my morning I got my daughter up and ready for her preschool and then I drove here there. My dog Max went along for the ride. Max is a 9 year-old English Shepherd and they tend to be more of … Continue reading