Are you more teacher than mom?

“She says you only do workbooks with her but never play.” Those words caused a mix of tangled emotions that fought in me. My pride was hurt.  I was angry my mother felt she had to share that with me.  A five year old says a lot of things and many come from a kaleidoscope perspective.  There is a reason young children do not make good witnesses.  I was sad my child had those words in her heart.  I was frustrated because I put every ounce of my being, of my identity, of my heart, into homeschooling. After defending myself and … Continue reading

Homeschool Mom Devotion: Taming the Tongue

Homeschooling can challenge you in different areas of your life.  One challenge for many is taming the tongue.  Cranky children, clogged toilets, curriculum failure can spike your stress levels.  When you are stressed you have more of a tendency to allow your flesh to control your tongue.  Taming the tongue is my most difficult challenge and I am far from victory.  Yet, as homeschooling moms we are a constant influence on our children.  They see how we react in all situations and sometimes our reactions are not ones that shine.  I think we all have been there.  When you feel … Continue reading