Time Apart Isn’t a Bad Thing

Recently I have been thinking about how far my marriage has come. There was a time when my husband and I couldn’t seem to handle allowing the other one to go off and do something without each other. I recall the first time I wanted to attend a conference out of town with some friends. This was several years ago and it was called, “Hearts at Home.” As a mom with three young children, it sounded like the perfect opportunity to not only get away and get refreshed but empowered to come back and do my job as a wife … Continue reading

A Teen’s Need for Privacy

The need for privacy can be a challenge for some parents of teens. There may be a fear that it will open the door to something negative. Or it may be that the parent feels rejected and takes it personally. Privacy is sometimes looked at as a bad thing and parents may question, “Why do they want to be alone so much?” But it is really a natural part of the maturing process and a reprieve from what can be a very difficult world. Don’t you ever sometimes just want to be alone? Even as an adult we have those … Continue reading

Take Time Out For You and Your Family

One of the downsides to a home-based business is that you often find yourself putting in more hours than an average worker. Growing a home-based business and making it work takes a lot of time. Even if you love what you do, it can become something that quickly overtakes you. I have to be very deliberate about taking time off, not just on holidays but even on weekends. With a home business you don’t have someone telling you, “The office will be closed for Memorial Day.” You have to make it happen if you really want it to happen. Even … Continue reading

Challenging Family Dynamics

It’s Memorial Day as I write this blog and although we have our meal planned out for the day, which includes my husband grilling and me making potato salad and desserts, we don’t know who is going to come over. We have sort of an interesting family dynamic. My husband’s brother married my sister, so our families are very closely intertwined. It can be good in many ways but it can also be a huge challenge in other ways. Without going into the details, let’s just say that getting together as a family isn’t always easy. People sometimes have their … Continue reading

It’s the Small Things That Sometimes Mean the Most

Photo by w1n → in Flowers There are moments in a marriage where a very small thing means so much. This past Wednesday I attended a Bible study at my church. It’s a new series on how to stay in love in marriage. The pastor who was leading it shared a story about what may seem to us an insignificant moment, but to him deepened his love for his wife even greater. I had the same kind of moment as well. It was on Monday when my husband and I spent the day at Children’s Hospital. Our 12-year-old son had … Continue reading

It’s Never Too Late to Change

If there is one thing I have learned in my marriage, it’s that it is never too late to change. Now before you get your hopes up, in thinking that I am talking about your spouse…know that I am actually talking to you. So often we are looking at the things in our spouse that we would like to see changed. Yet if we would spend more time examining the state of our own hearts and the attitudes that we have, we are likely to find that we have our own issues. It is so much easier to spend your … Continue reading

Becoming a Mom Through Adoption

On this Mother’s Day I wanted to write about my becoming a Mom. I did not become a Mom the good old fashioned way; I became a Mom by adopting children. We opened our hearts and home to three children. They are all siblings and we had the two boys join us in July of 2002 and then five months later their baby sister joined our family just in time for our first Christmas as a family. Our children all know that they have two Moms’ and two Dads’; they have always known that they are adopted. We don’t hide … Continue reading

Swimming in Hormones

Last week for me was one of those types of weeks that you just want to forget about. I posted on my Facebook status in the midst of the week that I felt like I was swimming in hormones. Having two children dealing with teen issues is one thing but now it seems my youngest is starting to go through some changes and well, let’s just say that I felt a bit overwhelmed. When I get overwhelmed I tend to handle things one of two ways. The first is to try and fix everything or the second is to get … Continue reading

Extending Grace to Our Children

The other day I blogged about messing up, big time, as a parent. It will affect where my daughter goes to high school and I had been a little worried about what she was going to say when she found out that I was the one responsible. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise but she wasn’t mad at me. We have a really good relationship and she knows what my intentions are, so she saw it for what it really was…a mistake. It got me thinking about the times my children have messed up, the mistakes they have … Continue reading

Waffles and Spaghetti

Whenever I think about the differences between men and women, I think of waffles and spaghetti. Why? Because of a class I attended several years ago that has always stuck with me. This class was based on a book called “Men Are Like Waffles—Women Are Like Spaghetti.” I have never actually read the book but the concepts taught in this class were life-changing for me. Men are like waffles because they put things into boxes. There is a separate box for every area of their lives. Think of a waffle and picture all those little squares. Men compartmentalize things. Work … Continue reading