Common Items that May Be Outlawed at School

In the first week of second grade, my son was reprimanded by his teacher. It was not for talking or for not completing his work. It was for giving a gift to the teacher, one that was greatly appreciated by his teacher in first grade. Policy changes in school may make some common items illegal to bring or have in school. Some rules may make perfect sense to parents when items are outlawed, while others may leave you scratching your head in confusion. Some schools outlaw certain items, while others are perfectly fine with these things. Here is a guide … Continue reading

Hand Sanitizer- It Does a Body Good

I’m not a germ-phobe but since I became a mother, I like to carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me wherever we go. I find them more convenient than carrying around a bunch of wet wipes or going to the restroom only to find there are no paper towels and having to grab a bunch of toilet paper as a substitute. According to the Mayo Clinic, using hand sanitizers is a more effective way than soap and water to kill germs that cause illness. This is especially important for families with young kids. According to an article in … Continue reading