How to Turn Down a Handshake Gracefully

So, perhaps you have decided to avoid shaking hands, at least to try to observe shomer negiah (avoiding casual touch with the opposite gender). What if someone of the opposite gender offers you his or her hand? What do you say? This is one of the most challenging aspects of becoming observant and is often something people put off until they have already begun observing other mitzvos. However, men who wear yarmulkes might want to start observing shomer negiah right away to avoid giving the false impression that it is okay to shake hands with women. I can say that … Continue reading

Why Don’t Orthodox Men Shake Hands with Women?

I apologize for the title of this blog, since it is kind of one-sided; Orthodox women also do not shake hands with men. However, I felt the gender inclusive title of “Why don’t Orthodox Jews shake Hands with Members of the Opposite Gender (respectively)” was a bit too long, and I find that more often women complain about not having their hands shaken by men than vice versa (it was only in the last few decades, according to a social historian, that women have begun to initiate handshakes.) A friend’s husband who was becoming religious told me that this was … Continue reading