When Friends Divorce

When a couple divorces it can affect not only them but friends as well. Mick and I found this years ago, when a couple we were friends with divorced. We used to get together on a regular basis with this couple for a meal and to play cards – five hundred was usually the game of choice. We thought we were good friends and would have said they appeared to have a happy marriage. Then one evening we got a phone call to say they wouldn’t be coming. Soon after that one of them rang to say that they were … Continue reading

Marriage and Blood Pressure

Make all the jokes you want about how being married can raise your blood pressure… a new study from Brigham Young University has shown that a happy marriage can lead to lower blood pressure. In fact, a happy marriage seems to have some big health benefits. Study participants included more than two hundred married adults and 99 single adults. All participants wore a blood pressure monitor for a full day and night. Basically, the researchers wanted to see blood pressure levels during a normal day — periodic readings at a clinic don’t give an accurate representation of the changes in … Continue reading

Have You Seen the Signs of a Failed Marriage?

After talking to several of my divorced friends, I realized that they all seemed to have one thing in common. Each could look back before marriage while they were dating and see the signs of a failed marriage. However, each one continued with the wedding. In many cases, this is true. People are not completely shocked when their marriage ends in divorce. A small quiet feeling inside already knew, even before marriage, that it was not meant to be. Yes there are the affairs, unfaithful romances, and deep secrets that surprise us all, yet many of us can spot a … Continue reading

Clear Your Schedule

When it comes to spending time with your spouse, most of us would say that time with our spouses and our families are the most important time we can spend in a day. You would say that, right? I would. But time is a funny thing, it has a tendency to get away from us and we start to put too much importance on getting everything done – from the dishes to the laundry to paying the bills and getting the yard work finished and then there’s the work you need to get done so you can attend the meetings … Continue reading

Flexible Schedule the Key to a Happy Marriage?

One of the great parts about working at home is that I can be here for my daughter on a regular basis. I’m here when she wakes up in the morning and I’m here when she comes home from school. There are other benefits from this flexible schedule – that benefit is the ability to support my husband’s more rigid schedule. I will not say his is more demanding nor that he works harder than I do – but he has fewer options. Flexible Scheduling For my husband, the work day must begin no later than 9 a.m. and it’s … Continue reading

Do You Know the Secret to a Happy Marriage?

I bet if I could bottle up the secret to having a happy marriage, it would sell like hotcakes. After all there is a lot to be said about a happy marriage and we all aspire to have one. To this end, there is an entire self-help genre related to helping you discover the secrets to a happy marriage. But there is one secret that has found some foundation through a study performed by the Harvard Medical School. Empathy & Affection This may not sound like much of a revelation, but couples who express deep empathy and affection for each … Continue reading

10 Things You Find In a Happy Marriage

When it comes to a happy marriage, we all want one and we all want to find the secret ingredient, the secret steps, and the secret to making our marriage a happy one. There are many times that we describe our marriages like a garden. We use this analogy because we know that if we don’t tend to our gardens, they will not wither and die. They will become overrun with weeds and they will not be what we want them to be. So we know what we’re looking for in a well-tended garden, but do we know what we’re … Continue reading

Love, Honor, and Cherish

Love, honor, and cherish are such beautiful words, and we readily say them before family, friends, and for people of faith, before God, as we take our marriage vows. Yet, do we really understand the meaning of those words and apply them to our daily lives with our spouses? These are strong words, filled with meaning. If every couple kept these definitions in mind, and actively used them in our relationships, we would all be much happier. Even if we already have happy marriages, there is always room for improvement. We have all heard the saying that love isn’t always … Continue reading

Eleven Years of Marriage

I wanted to take a few minutes to share a little bit about my own marriage. My husband and I have been together for twelve years, and recently celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary. We were married at a local courthouse, and we didn’t have a honeymoon, but we have what most people consider a good marriage. We are far from perfect, and we have our share of problems like any couple does, but many people accuse us of being the perfect couple. There is no such thing. A good marriage takes a lot of work, and we do work at … Continue reading

New Blogger Introduction

Well, I guess the title isn’t exactly accurate. I’m not really a “new” blogger, but I am new to the Marriage Blog. I have been writing in the Home Blog, Kids’ Crafts, Frugal Living, and guest writing in Home Business. I will still be doing the first two full time, but I’ll only be guest writing occasionally in the others. I am excited about joining the Marriage Blog and as a bonus I get to work with Heather. She and I have both been blogging for Families.com since the Blogs first made their appearance. We were just talking about how … Continue reading