The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

Feeding Your Toddler is Easier Than You Think

Many of us grew up in homes where we were admonished to eat our veggies, clean our plates, and do any number of other things that we really did not want to do at mealtime. Today, the wisdom on feeding toddlers has changed in ways that make it a lot less stressful for parents. It turns out that children will naturally choose a varied and balanced diet over time, if there are nutritious foods available for them to choose from. Some days (or weeks) it may seem like your toddler won’t touch anything besides buttered noodles or peanut butter and … Continue reading

Healthy Cuisine Choices – Part 1

Growing up in the south, I knew my food wasn’t health. Everything is battered, fried, and usually dunked in some type of sauce and gravy. Although it normally tastes incredible, as I aged, I realize that I need to change the way I eat and began looking for healthier alternatives. Here are a few cuisines that provide health choices, provided you don’t “Americanize” them. Follow traditional recipes and they will not only be yummy but nutritious as well. Vietnamese We recently visited Philly and ate at a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant. It was my first experience with this cuisine, but I … Continue reading

Exercise and Endorphin Release

Did you ever wonder why you feel so incredibly relieved after you have exercised? Sure, there is the feeling of being tired and a little out of breath, but there is also this feeling that you have had a burden lifted off your shoulders, a feeling of content and euphoria. A natural high. That is because that is exactly what it is. When you exercise endorphins, which are compounds that the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce, are released in moments of exercise and excitable moments. They are even released during moments of injury and pain. They are the body’s natural … Continue reading

Doing Ourselves out of Great Benefits

Have you ever given someone a gift and they didn’t thank you? Don’t you feel it’s unappreciated? Imagine how God feels when we don’t thank Him for the gifts He gives us. Since we are created in God’s image and we know we feel when a gift is unappreciated, it’s not unreasonable to suspect that God is far from happy when we don’t acknowledge his gifts and thank Him for them. Deitrich Bonhoeffer points out that we could be doing ourselves out of great benefits by not thanking God. He says, ‘we prevent God from giving us the great spiritual … Continue reading

Keep Out Mold and Dust

A healthy home is a home that is free from dust, mold and other allergens. While you may think your home is clean, there are some things that you can do to ensure that it is really clean, including the air in your home. While air purifiers are on the list, there are other forms of regular maintenance that can go a long way to ensure that everyone breathes easy. Make sure your vacuum contains a HEPA filter. You would be surprised how much this will improve the air quality in your home. Don’t forget to vacuum all upholstery, carpet … Continue reading

7 Ways to Have A Healthy Bedroom (2)

If you suffer from asthma or allergies, you’ll definitely want to take some steps to ensure that you have a healthy bedroom. Sniffling, sneezing, coughing and wheezing can all affect your sleep, not to mention the rest of your day. In the previous article, I covered four different steps that you can take to have a healthy bedroom. If you missed that article, click here: 7 Ways to Have A Healthy Bedroom. Now, let’s take a look at the last three ways. 5. Address the mattress. While pillow top mattresses seem to be standard now, they can also trap allergens. … Continue reading

Know the Hunger Scale

Overeating is a serious problem — and a big contributor to the epidemic of obesity. Are you eating out of habit? Momentum? Or are you truly hungry? Use this hunger scale to judge just how hungry you really are. Stuffed: that overfull feeling. One more bite, and you might just burst. Uncomfortable doesn’t begin to describe it — you might be experiencing heartburn or acid reflux from stomach acids rising into your esophagus. Full: at this point, you’re just beyond sated. Your stomach might feel a little bloated, and the food isn’t as satisfying. Momentum is the only reason you’re … Continue reading

Eleven Citrus Fruits (and Why You Should Love Them!)

Don’t just limit yourself to oranges when it comes to citrus fruits. There’s a whole world of citrus fruits out there! Citrus fruits are in season through the beginning of spring — so go get your citrus boost now! Citrus fruits aren’t just conveyors of immune-boosting vitamin C. They also come with a ton of other health benefits. And speaking of vitamin C — remember that your body doesn’t store this vitamin. You need to eat it every day to replenish your stores. Blood oranges: the bright red flesh that gives this fruit its name also gives this fruit healthy, … Continue reading

Being Frugal Can Make You Healthier

Some people think of frugal zealots as poor, miserable wretches. Of course we know better. But just in case you want one more reason to feel proud about being frugal, here you go. Frugality can lead to a healthier lifestyle. And now, here is my explanation. As a frugal person, I tend to avoid things that aren’t necessary and are expensive. Take cigarettes, for example. They are astronomically expensive, never mind extremely hazardous to my health. None of my frugal friends smoke. By the same token, we avoid soda and alcohol as well. We drink plenty of water. It is … Continue reading