Global Obesity Bigger Concern than Hunger

I often blog about hunger in my Green blog because not only are people all over the world going without food, there is hunger in America as well.  But, I also realize now that sometimes the lack of food also doesn’t mean out-and-out hunger but a lack of healthy food and some people who are from food-insecure homes are actually overweight. That may have something to do with a recent study conducted by almost 500 researchers for the Global Burden of Disease that said that globally, obesity is a bigger health concern than hunger. One of the co-authors of the … Continue reading

Poor Oral Hygiene Could Lead to Heart Disease

I had always heard that oral hygiene played a part in the health of your heart. However recently it has been reported in the news that adults who have poor oral hygiene are at a 70% greater risk of developing heart disease. Those are very high chances. A lack of good oral hygiene can lead to gum disease. The inflammation of gum disease can spread throughout your body, including to the arteries of your heart. If your arteries become inflamed then they can also become clogged. It’s amazing how taking care of one part of your body can make all … Continue reading

Do You Have a Spring Baby?

I do, but not intentionally. I got married in the spring, got pregnant in early summer, and gave birth the following spring. The wedding ceremony was planned; the baby was a gift. I wasn’t one of those uber anal women, who mapped out everything, in hopes of having a baby in the spring in order to avoid suffering through her third trimester during the dog days of summer. Nor did I care that my baby was born in the spring, so he or she could make the cut-off for kindergarten. Baby books make a big deal about kids born during … Continue reading

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked with Health Problems

An Austrian study took a look at the health problems that can come with low levels of vitamin D. Researchers followed more than 3,200 men and women from southwest Germany for eight years. Most of the participants had some form of heart disease, and the average participant age was sixty-two. During the study, the participants were tested weekly for vitamin D levels. Over the eight years of the study, 737 participants died — 463 deaths from heart-related problems and the rest from other causes. One of the vitamin tests showed that patients with the lowest levels of vitamin D were … Continue reading

Magnesium and Health Issues

Magnesium is an essential mineral for good health. Research has suggested that it may play a role in managing major health issues! Magnesium and blood pressure: a clinical study called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) found that high blood pressure could be lowered with a diet heavy in fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy. That kind of diet is high in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It’s hard to see the effects of magnesium alone — it is often present in foods that are high in fiber and potassium, too. But the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, … Continue reading

The Right Incentive Can Help You Fight Heart Disease

Are you at risk for heart disease? Are you already suffering from some form of heart disease — like high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Here’s a more important question: what are you doing about your heart disease risk, and why? Are you losing weight, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and exercising regularly? Or are you just coasting along and not making any lifestyle changes in order to reduce your risk? Cardiologists report that having the right incentives for fighting heart disease are just as important (sometimes more important) than anything else. Look at my mom, for example. She has … Continue reading

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Risks and Precautions

Considering hormone replacement therapy? Here are some things to think about. The FDA recommends that certain women do not use hormone replacement therapy: Women who might be pregnant Women with a personal history of breast or ovarian cancer Women with a personal history of certain forms of endometrial cancer Women with a personal history of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, or stroke Women who have active liver disease. (Though women with liver disease may be able to use hormone replacement therapy in patch form.) If you fall into those categories, talk to your doctors about alternative, non-hormonal treatments … Continue reading

Untamed Heart (1993)

I liked it—I liked it not. I liked it—I liked it not. “Untamed Heart” was one of those movies that left me confused. I really liked the parts I liked, and really hated the parts I hated. I guess I should elaborate, huh? Marisa Tomei stars as Caroline, a waitress in a seedy diner. Her best friend is Cindy (Rosie Perez) and together they try to figure out life—Caroline’s is a mess. She’s dumped by guy after guy, she’s trying to finish beauty school and can’t seem to manage that, and she wonders if she’s just doomed to failure. One … Continue reading

Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease with a Good Meal

You like to eat, right? For many people, a good meal with friends or family is one of life’s finest pleasures. There are some meals that can help reduce your risk of heart disease — ensuring that you will be around for many meals with friends and family to come. Cut back on salt. Too much salt can put you on the path to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is key in causing heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Check the sodium content of packaged foods like frozen dinners, canned soups, and snack foods. Limit your intake to 1500 … Continue reading

Five More Ways To Protect Your Heart

Don’t stop at just five changes to protect yourself from heart disease. Here are some more things you can do to help lower your risk of heart disease. Watch your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides. Keep a copy of your blood work from annual check ups. LDL cholesterol should be under 100 mg/dL; HDL cholesterol should be 50 or above. Blood pressure should be 120/80 or lower. Fasting blood sugar should be 100 mg/dL or lower. Triglycerides should be under 150 mg/dL. Stay active! Physical activity can reduce every controllable risk factor for heart disease. Just ten minutes … Continue reading