Tips for Busy Children

While clubs, sports, and other activities can be good for children to help develop physical, emotional, and social skills, children can be involved in too many activities. When a child is overloaded with activities he/she will show signs of being tired. He/she may have headaches or stomach aches. Schoolwork and homework may also begin to suffer and drop in grades. When these things begin to happen, it is the parents’ responsibility to step up and limit the involvement. Parents need to let children know that academics and school come first. Activities come after the work is complete. Some coaches can … Continue reading

Is Your Child Involved in Too Many Activities?

Children are involved in all types of after school activities. There are sports teams, clubs, music lessons, and more. It is not uncommon for children to have practice or a ballgame almost every night of the week. Parents are very busy running from here to there to get each child to a different activity. At some point in time we must stop and ask ourselves if it is possible that our children are too busy. Are they too involved in too many activities? Many times it is hard to decide if the children enjoy the activities that they are involved … Continue reading

WATCH IT! Help Your Child with Time Management

Do you constantly have to remind your child of the daily schedule? Do you make agreements, like “Fifteen more minutes of TV,” and then deal with a horrible tantrum when the time is up? Does your child need help staying on track with homework? Would you like to help your son or daughter develop a sense of independence and responsibility? Everybody Get In Sync! I recently heard about a private school that was instilling personal accountability and time management in their students. What they did was issue a particular style of wristwatch to each and every child from age four … Continue reading

How Can You Really HELP With Homework?

In the world I grew up in, I don’t think my parents ever really “helped” me with my homework. At least not in the sense that parents help their children now. Sure, they bought me supplies and told me where the butcher paper and pencil sharpener was, but that was about it. Now parents are expected to get right in there and do it with and FOR their kids–signing papers, sprinkling glitter, etc. As a parent, what really are the ways you can be helpful and encouraging of your child’s take-home school work? I think the best thing a parent … Continue reading

It’s Time to Get Ready for Homework

I know, I know, nothing puts a damper on summer fun like mentioning the H-word. But, in just a few short weeks, the kids will be back to school and we will be wrestling with them to get that homework done. There are some things we can do NOW to make easing back into homework world a little more do-able when September rolls around… When you are stocking up on school supplies, make sure you’ve got what your kids might need at home too. In our world, this has meant making sure we’ve got plenty of extra blank white paper … Continue reading

Homework Station

Even if I’m not ready for summer to end, there’s something about shopping for back to school supplies that is fun. At least until I hand over the credit card, that part isn’t fun. Still, it’s fun to see bright shining backpacks, newly sharpened pencils, and lunch boxes that aren’t stained by juice boxes. None of that will last, but it’s still a neat time of year. Part of our back to school routine is setting up a homework station. We pull together all the things that the kids think they will need in the coming months. Our supplies include … Continue reading

The “Project” Season

The end of the school year has come to be associated with “projects” at our household. I am not talking about painting and home improvement projects—but rather school projects. For my teenagers (and for several years now), the last month or two of school has been dedicated to these large, involved, and sometimes expensive, end of the year projects for various classes in school. I don’t remember having to do so many projects—major papers, multi-faceted group projects, and big presentations when I was in school. One of my daughters told me yesterday that one of her 11th grade teachers suggested … Continue reading

Eight Homework Helping Tips

In a previous blog, I wrote about how some parents help too much with their kids’ homework-some going so far as to complete science fair projects themselves. In the June 2006 issue of ParentLife, eight tips are offered to help parents become better homework helpers. Help your child with his homework but don’t do it for him. Your role is to offer assistance, if needed, not to supply them with the answers. If your child is struggling, show him how to put on his “thinking cap” and find the solutions on his own. Officially designate a study area, one that … Continue reading

Homework Trouble

Many parents say that completing homework is a struggle at their house. Either the child does not want to complete the assignments or the parents are unaware of how to deal with homework issues. What if you do not know how to complete your child’s homework? Today’s academics are very different from ever before. It may be possible that your child is working with methods that you have never seen. You do not have to be able to teach your child how to complete the work in order to help with homework. Praise your child for his efforts and ask … Continue reading


Homework tends to have a bad reputation among students and parents alike. However, homework can be very rewarding for both you and your child. In moderation, homework can allow you to be a part of your child’s education and help you and your child grow together. Why do teachers give homework? Research shows that when homework is examined by teachers and discussed with students, grades and academic progress improves. Teachers give homework to help students review and understand lessons that were taught. Teachers also give homework as a method to assess the child’s understanding of the material. From completing homework, … Continue reading