Author Interview – Barbara Salsbury

Today we are joined by Barbara Salsbury, author of “Preparedness Principles.” I reviewed her book earlier today, and if you’d like to read that review, click here. Barbara, thank you for being here with us today. Now, you are considered a preparedness guru. How did you come to acquire the knowledge you have? I’m sure I was born with a deep interest in being prepared. It has to be part of my DNA. A lot of experiences and trials in our lives also proved that it does not necessarily have to be THE BIG ONE in order to require the … Continue reading

Things to Talk about before Marriage

Deciding to get married is a big step in a relationship. In some long and lengthy relationships, it seems that marriage is the only step left to take. In other relationships, marriage comes quicker and more as a surprise. No matter how the decision to get married comes about, there are some things that a couple should consider and discuss before taking the plunge into forever together. When we make other important decisions in our life, we weigh the options, research, and give it much consideration. However, it seems that some people put little thought into spending the rest of … Continue reading