Listen to Your Parental Instincts

Even though a pregnancy is a fairly lengthy amount of time, some women feel that it is simply not long enough for them to physically and mentally prepare themselves for their baby’s arrival. I enjoyed preparing my home for my first son and reading everything that I could about caring for babies before he was born. That said, I later came to realize that no amount of preparation or reading could have made me fully prepared for my role as the mother of a newborn baby. Information is a good thing, much of the time. I am glad that I … Continue reading

Teenagers Aren’t the Only Ones Who Feel Pressure

Peer pressure is not something that just teenagers deal with. I think parents of teenagers can also feel pressure. Our pressure is a bit different but the way it feels is probably very similar. The pressure parents of teenagers have is related to the balance between parenting the way the world dictates and parenting the way we think is best. I have learned over the years of being a parent that not every decision I make will be appreciated. I’m not even talking about my children accepting my decisions. I am referring to decisions that I make as a parent … Continue reading

What “Feels” Right?

Going through a difficult time or a big period of transition can have the affect of causing us to close ourselves off from our intuition or feelings. We turn to other “experts” and attempt to get some order into what can feel like an incredibly chaotic life. Once the dust settles, however, it might be time to get back in touch with our gut instincts. As single parents, we need to be able tap into our feelings and figure out what “feels” like the right choices and the right way to parent our own unique child. I really do believe … Continue reading

Discovering Your Parent’s Intuition

I think we have all got it—it comes with the territory of becoming a parent—that intuition that helps us determine what is the right thing to do, and, specifically, how best to parent our individual child. It can take a leap of faith, however, and some of us really need to give ourselves permission to dig down and tap into the gift of our parent’s intuition. The first step is to quiet all the OTHER voices that get into our heads—those experts and specialists, our own parents, the neighbors, the teachers, and anyone and everyone else who offers parenting advice—both … Continue reading

Inside My Heart – Robin McGraw

As the wife of Dr. Phil, “America’s therapist,” Robin McGraw has been the recipient of much public scrutiny. We’ve all seen Dr. Phil turn to her in the audience to get her viewpoint, and enjoy the segments they do together called “Ask Dr. Phil and Robin.” In her new book, “Inside My Heart,” Robin shares who she is behind the camera, how she and Phil came to be together and what keeps them strong, and the values and ideals that she has held strong her entire life. Her main message: women are strong and should believe in themselves, making choices … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition 2

Boy or Girl? I’ve been pregnant two times, and with both babies I chose to wait until their birth to find out their sex. I think waiting to find out is like unwrapping the ultimate present (and I also think that ultrasounds are dangerous – but that’s another article). Both times I crossed my fingers and hoped for a boy. Both times I was blissfully blind-sided with beautiful baby girls. During my first pregnancy, I wanted a boy because I was under the impression that they were low-maintenance and fun. I was sort of a tom-girl myself, and having to … Continue reading

The Power of Women’s Intuition

I believe in women’s intuition. Call it what you will — the little voice, your gut feeling, or a sixth sense — it is real, and it helps us. Experts say that we only use something like ten percent of our brains. So what’s the other ninety percent up to? Some part of your brain is recording and responding to stimuli that we may not consciously notice. Could this be the source of intuition? Your brain and body responding to something on a subconscious level? Don’t dismiss those feelings of intuition — you could be responding to signals that aren’t … Continue reading