Dog Breeds: Jack Russell Terrier

If you ever watched the sitcom Frasier, you’ve seen a Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are brains and energy combined! For a little dog, they can be very assertive — combine a strong personality with intelligence and endless energy and you have a ton of dog in a handful of body! Jack Russells are working dogs by nature. Despite their size, they need a lot of outside time, exercise, and human companionship. And because of their strong personalities, they need a lot of training and discipline. Don’t be surprised if your Jack Russell challenges a dog more than twice his … Continue reading

Jack Russell Terriers and Cataracts

Recently, a friend in an online community adopted a three-year-old Jack Russell Terrier named Biggles. She is his third owner! Like many JRTs, Biggles is feisty and active; he’s also nearly blind from cataracts. Eye disorders, especially cataracts, are common to the Jack Russell Terrier. A cataract is the loss of normal transparency of the eye lens. Any spot on the eye that is not clear can be considered a cataract; some are too small to see with the naked eye but others are quite visible and appear as milky or white spots. Cataracts in Jack Russell Terriers seem to … Continue reading