The Ultimate in Job Security

In today’s economy, job security is a growing concern for a number of workers. It used to be that a person could get a job fresh out of high school or college and work for the same company, often advancing a number of times, until their eventual retirement. That does not happen nearly as much as it used to. People change jobs fairly often, and sometimes they lose them entirely due to downsizing or businesses closing their doors. Starting your own home – based business can be a way to create job security for yourself. Since you are in charge … Continue reading

Job Security

Often with job boredom, also comes job security. Typically, once you have worked long enough at a job for the same company, you gain a level of security. The advantage to job security is that you don’t worry about losing your job. The disadvantage is with longevity also comes boredom. Not all companies or industries can provide job security, especially with our economy. However, unless you have poor job performance, it is usually the newest members of the team who are let go first. This is particularly true in large companies or union-based professions. If you are lucky enough to … Continue reading

Ten Ways to Impress Your Boss

We all want recognition on the job. Here are some ways to gain that notice from your boss. Be on time – If you are on time every single day, you are a rare breed and your boss will begin to notice. This is the type of person who gets promotions and more responsibility. Be a self starter – If you know something needs to be done, go ahead and do it. Don’t someone who has to be told to get started. Act happy – Everyone has issues going on at home and everyone has a bad day. However, it … Continue reading