Half Truths Can be Dangerous

Half truths can be dangerous. They can be just as dangerous as an out and out lie, maybe even more so. The half truth is often one that casts doubt on God, or in some way waters down the message of the gospel, or the image of the God of the bible making Him into more human image. The half truth talks about God as being a God of love and while that’s certainly true, it’s not the whole truth. He is also a God of judgment. The half truth insists a God of love would never consign people to … Continue reading

Suspend Judgment of the Other Parent Until You Know the Facts

As you might imagine, I hear all sorts of stories and “versions” of what is going on when my kids return from a trip/visit to their dad’s house. In the early months after the final separation (there were a few before the final one) and the divorce, I used to get very hot and bothered by the things they told me. I was quick to get on the phone or on e-mail to find out just exactly what was going “wrong” over there. Eventually, I learned that I needed to give my children’s father the benefit of the doubt and … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Receiving What We Give

At various points in His ministry, the Savior emphasized that we will receive that which we give. If we judge others, we will receive that self-same judgment in return. If we forgive others, we will receive the Lord’s forgiveness. If we treat others in a specific manner, thus shall we be treated. These principles are elaborated again during the Sermon on the Mount. Why would a merciful Lord exact such a just treatment? Wouldn’t it be more along the lines of grace to simply forgive us for our wicked and human thoughts and actions? The Savior first tells us that … Continue reading

Teaching Good Judgment

The ability to make good choices and decisions is imperative. Yet many children do not learn this valuable skill. Parents can help teach their child good judgment by letting them make choices at a young age. Letting your young child choose what to wear, movie to watch, or food to eat gives them practice in making decisions within the safety net of home. Sometimes parents need to let their child make a choice and face the consequences. The other day my daughter wanted to eat a green onion. I told her that she wouldn’t like it but let her eat … Continue reading