Guard What You Share With Others

This past week I was able to attend a group for women at my church. Our pastor’s wife did a teaching on marriage that was very inspiring. At the end you participated in a table discussion with the ladies you were sitting with. There was a list of questions that were designed to get you thinking positively about your spouse. However one woman in particular seemed insistent on dominating the conversation and it wasn’t very positive. She was going on and on about all the wrong things her husband was doing. Now it’s not that I don’t have sympathy for … Continue reading

Greatest American Dog: The Loyalty Episode

Because we were away on vacation and Wayne completely unplugged the T.V. (and thus rendered our DVR useless), I missed two weeks of The Greatest American Dog. But since our TV, and therefore DVR, is plugged back in, I finally had a chance to watch this past week’s episode. Galaxy’s Limp Like when Bill had to take Star to the vet because he feared she’d been bit by a snake, I was so thankful for the DVR’s fast forward feature when JD had to take Galaxy to the vet. Not sure what the challenge had been in the previous episode, … Continue reading

Show Some Respect

Recently FatherBlogger started a forum topic about the best way for a boy to learn to respect women. I suggested a boy needed the example at home of a father who showed that respect to his wife. But it really goes much deeper than that. Marriage to me is about love certainly, but also respect and loyalty to each other. I am horrified sometimes to hear the way women deride their husbands to other women. Where is the loyalty to the one they are married to? By the same token there are guys who publicly ridicule and sling off about … Continue reading

How do You Encourage Repeat Business?

We spend so much time networking and trying to turn a prospect into a customer, it would be nice to think that the job is done! Unfortunately, getting them “in the door” one time just isn’t enough and we still need to figure out how to encourage repeat business. How can we turn a one-time customer into a loyal and devoted one? There are always going to be those elements that you cannot control that affect a customer’s or client’s loyalty—they might run into a budget crunch, or change the focus of the business, or they might get a much … Continue reading

Will You Take Any Clients or Wait for Loyal Clients?

There are several different ways to go about building a customer base for your product and services, but two main camps are the “taken anyone and everyone” camp and the “nurture and build loyal customers” camp. Figuring out which one is best for you and your business will depend on what sort of industry you are in, as well as what your personality and capacity for marketing and networking is. Look at it this way; you are going to put energy into attracting new customers and clients regardless—but it takes a lot of energy and resources to court a client. … Continue reading

Building Loyalty in a Single Parent Family

Single parent families can feel fragmented—especially if children actually go back and forth and live in two homes. Of course, most of us want our children to feel cherished and attached to both sides of the family which can create some problems when it comes to creating a solid, cohesive sense of family loyalty. There are things we parents can do, however, to help build a sense of loyalty and belonging in a single parent family… Our children need to feel as though they belong and most of us want to create a sense of “loyalty” to the family unit. … Continue reading

Are You a Queen Gorgo?

Last night I watched the movie 300, which was about the 300 Spartans that took a stand against the entire Persian army and at first successfully held them. I’d heard many good things about it. I was warned the historical accuracy was questionable, but the special effects rocked. I was curious to see it, not because of the nearly-naked very buff men that dominate it, but because I’ve ended up liking the other Frank Miller movies I’ve seen. (Although the muscle-rippling hunks in this one were a nice bonus. 😉 But when it started I thought to myself, “There probably … Continue reading

Would Your Customers Call You “Dedicated”?

One of those lessons we learn again and again in life is that our own self concept of what we think we are like, doesn’t always mesh with other people’s perception of us. Sometimes that doesn’t really matter and we don’t need to care what other people think of us. When it comes to our home businesses and our reputation as a business person, whether people think we are dedicated or not, actually does matter. Dedication is one of those words I wrestle with a bit. After all, one man’s dedicated person is another’s work-a-holic, but I do know that … Continue reading

Eight Cousins – Louisa May Alcott

A book by the beloved author of “Little Women,” “Eight Cousins” is somewhat less known but just as delightful. Rose Campbell has been orphaned at the age of thirteen and is being sent to live with her two aunts, Peace and Plenty, in a huge house atop a hill which has been dubbed “The Aunt Hill.” Her uncle Alec is her official guardian, but he can’t be with her all the time, so Peace and Plenty provide her with a stable, loving atmosphere. And do they ever spoil her! Suddenly given access to all the pretty clothes, pretty toys, and … Continue reading

Bless the Pets Who Forgive Us Our Trespasses

I am no saint and I fully admit it. Even though most people who know me say I’m one of the most upbeat, cheerful people they’ve ever run across, I’m chalk full of faults. I’m often stubborn, selfish, critical (of both myself and others), jealous, possessive, and lazy. Physically I’m no prize either: I’m overweight, my poor legs are covered in cellulite (yes, the back and front of my thighs), I have yellowing teeth, blow my nose obnoxiously loudly, snore, my morning breath’s so ghastly it lingers well after I brush my teeth, and I’m still battling acne even into … Continue reading