Dividing Pills For Pets

There are many medicines for humans that can (with your veterinarian’s approval) be given to your dog or cat. However, the doses we humans take are often times WAY bigger than your pet needs. The easiest thing to do is find your medication in a liquid form. With an eyedropper or measuring spoon, you can easily get the right dose for your dog or cat. Pills can be a lot trickier! If your pet only needs a half of a pill, you can use a pill cutter to divide the dose. Your local pet supply store might carry pill cutters, … Continue reading

Human Medicine For Dogs

There are some medicines for people that are safe for use on your pets, believe it or not. Your dogs may benefit from some of the same medicines you do! Here is a list of some common stuff in your medicine cabinet that may be useful for your pups. It is always best to check with your vet before giving your pet ANY human medicine. PLEASE NOTE: This list is not intended to diagnose problems or be a substitute for proper veterinary care. If your pet has a serious health issue, please call your vet immediately. Anbesol: Can be used … Continue reading