Money in Marriage

The concern for many today is ‘Money, money, money’ to quote the Abba song. Yes we saw Mamma Mia a few weeks back, can you tell? With the current economic situation the way it is a lot of people are worried about money, coping with day to day expenses and the prices of basic items rising all the time, banks looking shaky and the share market in a slump. As well as those struggling to support families, it also affects those with retirement funds and investments as they see what they thought was a retirement nest egg shrinking before their … Continue reading

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

What is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act you may ask? Well, Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974. It initially developed to protect the rights of women to receive credit. In the early 1970s before the law passed, it was almost impossible for single women to get a loan and married women had to have their husbands co-sign. This act helped make the credit playing field for men and women equal. Later on, the coverage expanded to include all types of discrimination in relation to credit. It now protects your ability to receive credit in regards to sex, … Continue reading

Optimizing Development of Your Baby

We all want a happy, healthy baby and. although the uterus is an exceptionally safe and comfortable environment for your growing baby, there are additional precautions that all expectant mothers can undertake to ensure that their baby receives the best start in life. Eat an adequate and balanced diet before and during pregnancy The nutritional needs of your developing baby as well as your own depend on a sound diet. Serious malnutrition, not only from lack of food but lack of nutritious food, can interfere with normal prenatal growth and may limit your baby’s intelligence. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption Studies … Continue reading