Boosting Your Metabolism

If you find that losing weight hasn’t come as easily as you would like, or that you are like a yo-yo, with your weight going up and down…then you should take into consideration how your metabolism may be playing into it. In fact, it may seem like you are doing all the right stuff. You are eating right, exercising, yet progress seems to be slow-going. Sometimes when a person has changed their diet, the body will react with a slowdown in your metabolism. It is almost as if your body feels that it is being starved (even if you really … Continue reading

Six More Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

You want to turn your body into a lean, mean fat-burning machine? Great! Here are six more ways to give your metabolism a jump start. Drink plenty of water. Better yet — drink cold water. Research from Germany suggests that the extra work your body does to heat the water to body temperature can give your metabolism a boost. Aim for six cups (forty-eight ounces) of cold water daily. Make sure you get plenty of iron in your diet. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen through your body. Your muscles need oxygen in order to burn fat. So if you … Continue reading

Six Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Want your body to become a more efficient fat-burning machine? Try these tips! Be sure that you are eating enough. Starving yourself will make your body slow your metabolism — not speed it up! For most women, eating around 1400 calories daily will keep your metabolism moving. Less than 1200 calories per day is less than your body needs for basic biological function — so your body will be forced to break down muscle for energy. That’s not a good thing. Make sure you include breakfast in your day. That early morning meal gives you a burst of energy AND … Continue reading

Inflammation and Your Appetite

Are you suffering from inflammation? Inflammation is a condition where your immune system is kicked into overdrive by stress, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, or exposure to toxins. Your body wants to fight something off. Inflammation can lead to weight gain, arthritis, and heart disease. Why? In a healthy, normal weight person, the body produces a hormone called leptin to control appetite and metabolism. When body fat increases, leptin levels rise to tell the brain to decrease appetite and speed up metabolism. In an obese person, the body isn’t getting the message from leptin — it may not be … Continue reading

Give Your Metabolism a Boost

If you ask a group of people why they exercise, 1 in 3 will tell you they are doing it to lose weight. If your goal when you dive into your workout is to lose weight, then give yourself a boost by doing your workout first thing in the morning. You should start your day off with a positive affirmation of being healthier, smarter or better than you were before. The Early Bird Catches the Worm Start your workout early whether you are walking, dancing to a workout tape, hitting the gym or doing some strength training. Do it first … Continue reading

Enviga: An Energy Drink That Burns Calories

Enviga, a sparkling green tea marketed by the Coca-Cola Company and Nestle, combines green tea and caffeine to help your body burn calories. It also contains calcium. The 12 ounce cans come in green tea, peach, and berry flavors. Enviga is touted as a safe and gentle way of increasing your metabolism. Drinking three cans of Enviga a day may burn 60 to 100 calories, but it shouldn’t be used to replace meals. The combination for weight loss is well-balanced meals, regular exercise, and Enviga. In a study conducted by Nestle, participants burned an additional 106 calories from consuming the … Continue reading

Warm Sleepers and Cold Sleepers

I was looking over a camping website and found a discussion going about “warm sleepers” and “cold sleepers”. A warm sleeper is the type of person who doesn’t need blankets and can sleep comfortably outside without zipping up the sleeping bag. A cold sleeper will shiver through a night that a warm sleeper wouldn’t even notice. Some of what makes you a warm sleeper or cold sleeper isn’t stuff you can affect easily. Your metabolism and body size play a large part in determining what kind of sleeper you are. But there are some things you can do to make … Continue reading

Is it the Green Tea or the Locale?

Green tea is a wonderful drink that of late we hear a great deal about in news about health and fitness. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association states that Japanese green tea could definitely reduce the risk of heart disease. However, the study did not find any relationship between drinking green tea and reducing cancer rates. The FDA still states that they have found ‘no credible evidence’ to indicate that green tea reduces risk of heart disease. In fact, the evidence is rather sketchy other than the fact that unsweetened green tea is better for … Continue reading

After the Fast: Eating Clean

You’ll find a few crash diet blogs here in the Weight Loss section but by no means does that mean that crash diets are the only way to lose weight. Sure, you lose it fast, but we all know it comes back when our old eating habits do. If you’re going to use any of these fasting type programs like the Cabbage Soup Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, please use the time you are on them (usually 3-10 days) to start focusing on how you should be living a healthy lifestyle afterwards. Hopefully this blog will give you a … Continue reading

Obesity = Slow Metabolism, Right?

We all know someone who seems to have won the biological lottery – you know what I’m talking about – the person who can eat anything they want and never seem to gain any weight? They can eat cheesecake morning, noon and night and they’ll still be svelte and skinny. Most of us attribute it to their high metabolism – after all, why else would they be able to eat that way? The truth is, metabolism doesn’t have as much to do with our weight as we might like to believe. People who slightly built or thin often have a … Continue reading