Reviewing Your Credit Report

Your credit report compiles information about your account history, spending and payment habits. The report also includes information about your employment, residential history and other identifying information such as your birth date and social security number. Creditors use this report, along with your credit score, to determine how much risk they should expect if they decide to extend credit to you. If your credit report suggests that extending credit to you would be a very great risk you will probably have a difficult time getting a car loan, credit card, and in some cases a job. Many of today’s employers … Continue reading

Reestablishing Credit

Sometimes good people have to contend with the bad experiences brought on by credit blemishes. These often include exorbitant interest rates or loan refusals on the home or car of your dreams. While credit blemishes can be embarrassing they are not fatal. There are things that you can do to improve your credit and make yourself the type of candidate that creditors give the thumbs up. 1.Review your credit reports for any errors or outdated information. Take action to correct any mistakes and then ask for additional copies of your reports to be sure that the corrections are reflected on … Continue reading

Payday Loans for Times When Cash is Short

Payday loans are there to help a person make ends meet. The reason is simple. Many people simply have too much of the month left, or the week, when the paycheck is gone. For these people payday loans are a way of borrowing and stretching the budget a bit. With a payday loan a consumer will form a relationship with a payday loan company. This will involve filling out an application form and providing bank account information. Payday loans are paid back to the lender using a check, which is post dated, so the checking account information is needed. It … Continue reading