Creative Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy on Facebook

After you’ve personally announced your pregnancy to your family and closest friends, the rules loosen up quite a bit when it comes to how you announce it to everyone else. A popular way to announce a pregnancy these days is through social networking sites like Facebook. There are tons of creative ways to do it, from the most subtle to the most outlandish. What you do depends on your personality and sense of humor. For those that enjoy the subtle approach, a fun way to let people in on your secret is to add an extra tag to a photo … Continue reading

Considerations in Adopting When You Already Have Children: Shared or Different Heritages

In the past days I’ve been writing about how your adoption decisions may be different when you have children already in your family to consider. One of these questions is whether you want your children to share the same ethnicity? Many parents believe that their child will feel a deeper sense of belonging if there is someone in the family who looks like them. I admit to sometimes wishing I looked like others in my family, and I wasn’t even adopted. However, a recent article in Adoptive Families magazine suggests that it may be less necessary than was formerly believed. … Continue reading

Is He the Man of Your Dreams?

If you were asked to describe your idea of a perfect man, would you be describing your husband? I think that this question all depends on the day and time that it is asked! Of course we all have those moments when we feel that our spouses are less than perfect. However, in general, are you satisfied with what you have or are there a few things that you would change if you had the chance? I have noticed at some of my girlfriend get togethers there are some women who continuously complain about their husbands. I cannot say that … Continue reading

Does Bagged Produce Save You Money?

Those pre-selected bags of produce seem to save you money, but do they? Actually, it depends on a couple of factors. This question was recently posed to me by a member, reader and fellow frugal person here at She asks, “Is buying those pre-bagged fruits and vegetable really worth it? They seem less expensive, but I always wonder if they are really just bruised and rotten.” Here are some tips to help you make the best choice when it comes to deciding between bagged produce and produce that you hand select. With bagged produce you can usually expect some … Continue reading

Friends: Support network or Secret Weight Loss Enemy? Part One

Part One of a Three Part Series:Are your friends supporting or sabotaging your weight loss goals? When you tell your friends and family that you are going to lose the weight this year, what is the response that they give you? There are many different responses that are usually given and it all depends on who is talking and what their agenda is. One response that I got was when I was talking to one of my very good friends was again? She believed that I was always talking about it but that I hadn’t succeeded yet, why would I … Continue reading

Cell Phones

Today as I was teaching my 8-11 year old girls in Sunday School the issue of cell phones came up. When I was in elementary school I never would have even thought to ask my parents for a cell phone. In my mind it was like asking for a car, it was an adult thing. None of my friends had cell phones and I don’t even remember my mom having one until I was in middle school. As a kid I remember when my grandpa came home with the cool “car phone.” We all thought he was so high tech! … Continue reading

Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part I)

May is pregnancy awareness month! In honor of the 4 million + babies born in the United States each year, P.A.M (Pregnancy Awareness Month) and O.N.E Coconut Water have teamed up to provide pregnant women with helpful tips for a healthy pregnancy. According to P.A.M., there are five things pregnant women want. Number One: Easy Uncomplicated Labor Easier said than done in some cases. I too desire and easy and uncomplicated labor. With my first pregnancy, I wouldn’t say labor was easy. Labor is hard and largely painful work. There are certainly factors that can make labor more difficult. For … Continue reading

Let’s Party – The Pros And Cons Of Home Party Sales

For some reason, it seems like every time I turn around, I am being invited to attend a party. Now before you think that I am going to begin complaining about the pitfalls of being popular, let me reassure you that this is not the case. While I do have quite a few friends and many acquaintances, not all of these invitations are for birthdays or dinner parties. In fact, most of them are not. Most of them are for home party sale parties. Let me further expand on this by saying that if home party sales are hot here … Continue reading

Dating Woes

When it comes to teenagers there are a lot of dating woes. Heartbreak, disappointment, and confusion are just some of them. Although I do believe that in some cases (rare though they may be) it can work out, in most cases dating as a teenager creates unnecessary woes. My husband and I have never really had a firm plan when it comes to dating. When my children were younger we tossed around some thoughts and ideas. We figured it was best to wait until that time arrived. Well, we are there. Our oldest son turned 16 this month. It seems … Continue reading

Planning a Wedding- Part 3

Part 3 of wedding planning is here Wedding Dress If you are getting it made you will need to have it organized early. Some dressmakers and companies will tell you 7 months are not long enough so a lot depends on how long the engagement is. Or you might decide to buy one ready made. I did this when I married. I saw a dress I loved that was a bit different. I tried it on. It needed only minor alterations. It wasn’t expensive. I lay-byed it – the first dress I tried on. A friend hired her wedding dress. … Continue reading