Something You May Not Have Thought About

Today I’m going to talk about something you may not have thought about as affecting your marriage, but it is something I suspect a few of us are guilty of. I know I am. The issue is negative self talk. This was something that came up during marriage preparation classes for a young couple I know. When I talk about marriage preparation classes I’m not talking about those quick fix couple of hour’s courses that are supposed to give all the answers to how to prepare you for marriage or solve any problems in your marriage in one easy lesson. … Continue reading

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: I Hate Myself

We’ve all been there, a half-glance that catches your own image in the corner of your eye as you look into a mirror and the negative self-talk begins. Your legs are too thick, your tummy isn’t flat enough and your arms are fat. Kids may be the worst when it comes to teasing and saying things, but women are the worst when it comes to judging themselves and being self-critical. Unfortunately, when it comes to judging ourselves – we’re harsh and we always compare ourselves (often unfavorably) to other women and find ourselves lacking. Imagine looking at yourself in comparison … Continue reading

Your Self-Image Defines Your Success

I talk a lot about motivation and goal setting, I think it’s important to keep in mind that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. I know that sounds exceptionally cliché, but remember – in every cliché there is a root of truth. Clichés become clichés because those truths are proven again and again. So when I say that your self-image will help you define your success, I mean that literally as well as figuratively. If you see yourself as a failure, that is what you will be. If you see yourself unable to overcome your challenges, then you … Continue reading

Ladies, Do You Hate Your Body?

I have a confession to make – I am not particularly fond of my body. It’s not the exact shape I’d like it to be. It doesn’t look like all those size 4 actresses on television and I’m not as tall as I’d like to be. One of my eyes squints funny when I smile and my teeth are not all straight. As a youngster, my parents invested in eyeglasses and eye surgery rather than dental work. So like many women, I fall into the category of hating my body because I was not taught to love it and I … Continue reading

Tuesday Talking Points

I’ve always wanted to use the phrase ‘talking points’ here in my blogs. So like my Friday Fitness Funnies, I want to get into posting my Tuesday Talking Points. Here’s the idea – I bring up the points and we talk about them. I’d love to get your feedback, your experiences and your ideas as well. Today’s Talking Points Bear in mind, you don’t have to agree with the talking points – you just have to talk about them. I’ve discovered over the years that there is no one absolute diet or weight loss program that works for everyone the … Continue reading

Weight Loss & Loving Your Body

Do you love your body? Chances are, you don’t. I didn’t – for years in fact, I found my body to be repulsive. When I gained so much weight during my pregnancy, I literally felt like a land whale walking. I hated the way I looked. I hated the way I felt. I experienced depression and the worse I felt about myself, the less inclined I was to do anything about it. It’s a vicious circle and for those of us who are looking to lose significant weight and sustain that weight loss, we need to love our bodies. Loving … Continue reading

Where Does Your Attention Go? (Part II)

This morning we talked about your energy flows where your attention goes. If your attention is focused on the negative, it is the negative that you will find. So it stands to reason that if you focus on the positive, then you will find the positive – right? If you believe firmly that no one will ever love you – you will likely not find love. But if you believe with equal force that you are very lovable, then you will be loved. You will see the evidence of it in the behavior of those around you. You will experience … Continue reading

Where Does Your Attention Go? (Part I)

There is a common saying that goes: where your attention goes, your energy flows. This saying refers to the idea that what you are thinking about, focused on or feel is what you attract. If you focus on the negative, then that’s what you create in the fabric of your life. For couples, this can mean if all you focus on are the tasks that your spouse doesn’t do or does poorly, then that’s the stage you’ve set for your personal dramas. Your negativity will reflect your viewpoint and you will experience a troubled marriage. It’s not uncommon for the … Continue reading

Nothing I Do Ever Works

This is a defeatist attitude and one I am familiar with. At one point in time, I was slim, trim and in great shape. I did nothing to maintain it – or at least I thought I didn’t – but what I had was a really active lifestyle. I was always on the go. I was rarely sitting in front of a computer for hours. I went dancing a lot and in a nutshell, my life was my exercise. I’ve mentioned the severe weight I gained with my pregnancy and the fact that I went from a size 10 to … Continue reading