Stop talking dirty to yourself!

In Do you indulge in Stinkin’ Thinking, we looked at all the ways we tie ourselves up in knots by the way we think. Today we look at how to go about untying those knots, so that we can let go of self-limiting thoughts and behaviors and get on with our lives. • Identify negative thoughts Write them down so that you get them out of your head and down on paper where you can actually scrutinize them more carefully. Just seeing your thoughts written down can be the first step in recognizing them for what they mostly are: lies … Continue reading

Do you indulge in “Stinkin’ Thinking”?

Stinkin’ Thinkin’, otherwise known as thinking negative thoughts, is a common but unhelpful pastime. Imagine all the extra energy and creativity we could muster if we weren’t bogged down by thoughts of doom and gloom. Let’s have a look at some of the most common forms of “Stinkin’ Thinking.” • Black-and-white thinking In this form of self torture, everything is either black or white, good or bad. Common examples include: “It’s really bad that we didn’t get that house at auction.” Yes, it might be disappointing that you couldn’t afford the house, but another house will come up, and it … Continue reading