Uncomfortable Feelings on the Job

Wouldn’t it be great if every day was all sunshine and dollar signs in our home businesses? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if our customers contributed to our feeling good and if running a home business meant getting rid of all those discomforts and frustrations that came with the more traditional job of working for someone else? The fact is, that while we might get rid of some of those discomforts and realities that plagued us when we worked for someone else, there are still going to be times when our work is anything but sunshine and dollar signs. Our home … Continue reading

Discovering What They Truly Love

One of the joys of being a parent for a long time and watching your child grow and change is that you get to watch as interests and passions develop. Some show up in early childhood and are consuming for a couple years, only to disappear. Others show up later and evolve into core pieces of the child’s personality. I think it is fascinating to watch as those sparks turn into lasting interests and, potentially turn into careers and jobs or life-long passions… Some kids seem to discover their interests and passions easily and early, while others stumble along. It … Continue reading

What Can You Get from a Conference?

As someone who spends part of her work world organizing meetings and conferences, I am constantly hearing from attendees about what they “hope” to take away from a conference experience and what they actually do take away. The truth is, conferences can be a great way to energize your career, stimulate your passions, meet new and interesting people, and gain all sorts of specific training and information. The trick is to find the right conference for what you need. I’m writing today about attending a conference as a participant, not as an exhibitor (that is a whole different can of … Continue reading