I Wanna Iguana – Karen Kaufman Orloff

Alex has a little problem. He really wants an iguana, but his mother is against it. He figures that a little creative arguing will change his mother’s mind. “I Wanna Iguana” is a darling children’s picture book detailing Alex’s quest to win his mother over. Creatively formatted in a series of notes from Alex to his mother, and from his mother back to Alex, we see their reasoning, sometimes rational, and sometimes not. You see, Mikey Sullivan is moving, and he can’t take his baby iguana with him. If Alex doesn’t take him, Stinky will get him, and Stinky has … Continue reading

“From Head To Toe” by Eric Carle

“From Head To Toe” by Eric Carle is not just a picture book; it is an exercise in movement for you and your children. Each page of the picture book features a great collage animal that does a characteristic movement for that animal. The book then asks the child if they can create the same movement. For instance, the first pages of the book show a picture of a penguin and a child. The penguin says, “I am a penguin and I can turn my head. Can you do it?” Another has a picture of a crocodile and says, “ … Continue reading