Remedies When Love is Fading

So you’ve discovered your love for your spouse is fading, what can you do about it? Here are some suggestions. Remember Remember where you started. When I lose sunglasses, keys or something, which is fairly common with me, I retrace my steps. It is no different with marriage. If you have lost your love for your spouse or are just having trouble remembering why you fell in love with them in the first place, go back to the beginning. Make a list of the reasons why you fell in love with them. Share that list with your spouse. Work on … Continue reading

You Can Window Shop All You Like

‘You can window shop all you like so long as you don’t take the goods home.’ This is the attitude of many to marriage. Another along similar lines is ‘you can flirt as much or lust as you like, so long as when you’re having sex it’s with your spouse.’ These are the type of attitudes a young married couple hear a lot from others they work with and even their friends. The idea is that it is harmless but is it? Faithfulness in marriage isn’t only about sex. It also means not going off for coffee with another of … Continue reading

The Secret to Enjoying Married Life

‘The secret to enjoying life is being thankful for what each day brings.’ That’s what the anonymous quote on my calendar for today says. While I agree with that, maybe for the purposes of this blog, we could change that to read ‘the secret to enjoying married life is to be thankful for what each day brings.’ One of the things that is great about my husband is that he is thankful for the things I do for him. Yes, I did make his pie yesterday, even though I hate making pies and things that require pasty. I hate having … Continue reading