More Quotes to Inspire You

Need inspiration? Feeling down and depressed, or worried about the future? Has the world monetary crisis finally gotten to you and the constant talk of doom and gloom dampened your spirits? We are more than our thoughts yet having positive thoughts and a positive attitude can make the difference between happy days and sad, and ultimately a life well lived versus a life wasted in recriminations. So, here are some more thought-provoking and positive sayings for you from those who have been through dark times and survived regardless. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta … Continue reading

Growing Love

As I wrote in another blog the other day, I don’t know if it’s the season or what but I’m more in love with Wayne than ever. Which feels really nice considering earlier this year we were facing a marriage crisis. This morning I told him, “I don’t know how it’s possible that after 20 something years my love for you just keeps getting stronger, but it does.” I’ve sort of been thinking about that for the rest of the day so far. And since it’s so much on my mind, I figured that’d make something good to write about … Continue reading

Visualization and Affirmations for Single Parents

What can we do to quiet all those negative voices and pessimistic opinions (from others and ourselves) that might be haunting our daily lives? As a single parent, we may hear plenty of “no” voices and not enough “yes” voices. Instead of expecting those “yes” voices to come from somewhere outside ourselves, we may need to be our own loudest cheerleader. Many people turn to visualization techniques and the use of positive affirmations to help keep the outlook positive. For a single parent, we really do need to find ways to cheer ourselves on and pat ourselves on the back–since … Continue reading

If I Could Clone Myself

With all this modern talk of cloning—parts, animals, people—what single parent hasn’t fantasized about what life would be like if he or she could clone him or herself? If I could be in two places at once or just double up on what I need to accomplish—two or three laps, 4-6 arms—my goodness, what I imagine that I could accomplish! If I could clone myself, I could be home taking care of home stuff and at work taking care of work stuff at the same time…just think, none of my children would have to feel forgotten or left out since … Continue reading

When You Really Need a Boost

Okay, no matter how amazingly confident and secure you are—no matter how organized, happy, and financially secure you are, there are going to be those days as a single parent when you are pretty worn down. For the rest of us, those of us who are managing along and would not qualify ourselves as amazingly confident or rolling in financial security, we can really have those overwhelming days when we wonder how we are going to face one more half-empty refrigerator or make it through another parent-teacher conference without losing our minds, what can WE do when we really need … Continue reading

Seeing Life Through the Eyes of a Child

Kids have a way of turning everything into an adventure. Parents can actually cut down on a lot of stress and frustration by adopting this way of looking at the world. As we finish our first week back in New Orleans I’m happy to be home, happy that the work is progressing but frustrated that I am still not in my house. On the other hand, Tyler views our stay at the hotel as an adventure. Sort of like an extended vacation, only at home. After all, he does not have to make his bed. He leaves it unmade in … Continue reading

Do You Have a Vision for Your Family?

We talk a great deal here in the Single Parents blog about adjustment and coping and trying to boost our confidence and self-esteem around our role as single parents. So much of what we focus on has been about “getting through” crisis, transition, and the struggles of single parenthood, I thought it might be encouraging if we focus on ways we can create long-term visions and healthy goals for what sort of family life we’d like to achieve. Having a plan or vision for life as a family, or for our children, is not the exclusive domain of the two-parent … Continue reading

Negative Thoughts Don’t Help

Crisis, difficulty and hardship can bring out some negativity in even the most positive and optimistic of us. As a single parent, it can be easy to slip into patterns of negative thinking simply because we may have had some pretty unpleasant things go down in our lives and, despite the pleasures of parenthood, there are some definite challenges too. It is important to remind ourselves that getting stuck in negative thinking cycles really doesn’t help… So, what do I mean when I say “negative thoughts”? Well things like: “My ex will never pay child support” or “I’ll never be … Continue reading

More Positive Thoughts for Your Day

At times, we all get bogged down in negativity or difficult situations. Here are some more positive statements to meditate upon and perhaps inspire you to a better, more productive and happy frame of mind. The thoughts you chose to think and believe right now are creating your future. These thoughts form your experiences tomorrow, next week, and next year. Louise L. Hay The things that matter most in this world are those that carry no price tag, for they can neither be bought nor sold at any price. Suze Orman When life presents more challenges than you can handle, … Continue reading

What You Think Upon Grows Day: What Does My Dog Think? (Because I Want to Think Like Him!)

Perhaps the principal of attracting (or growing) what you think about has been around for eons, but the person who introduced it to me and put it in terms that made sense was Dr. Wayne Dyer. Earlier this year I read his books 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace and Being in Balance: 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires. The concept of attracting into your life what you dwell on ran through them both –and smacked me in the face. I haven’t quite been the same since. Because while it’s a principal that makes sense, it’s … Continue reading