The Lowdown on Postpartum Periods

I have a new item to add to the list of “Things That Happen Postpartum That No One Ever Talks About”. Seriously, there is an entire list of things that happen postpartum that simply do not get discussed by most people, most of the time. Since these things do not get discussed, they take you completely by surprise when they happen. How do I know this? I am currently working my way through one of them, and I am just beginning to understand it. I wish that someone had given me the lowdown on postpartum periods at some point before … Continue reading

Swimsuit Shopping: Not for the Faint of Heart

We’ve probably all heard it before. We probably didn’t give it much thought until it actually happened to us. We probably all look back and think, “I didn’t know how good I had it until it was gone.” I’m talking about pre-pregnancy boobs. Sure, some of us who were smaller-chested before pregnancy probably loved the increase in size that came with being pregnant. I was your average C-cup before being pregnant, and I enjoyed the newly acquired curves. During the first few months of my baby’s life, I was too busy with my baby to pay attention to what was … Continue reading

New Mommy Must-Haves

When I try to think back on the first month of my daughter’s life, everything is a little hazy. It seems like all I did was hold her, feed her, change her diaper, and sleep. She was a relatively easy baby and slept pretty well from the get-go, but I still felt like I was in some sort of survival mode. Not only did I have a new baby to take care of, but also my poor body took a while to recover from a tough 30-hour labor. I don’t know how I would have made it through the first … Continue reading

Sisters With Baby Blues

Yesterday, we talked about unconventional methods of serving the sisters in our Relief Society. Today, I would like to focus in on a group very close to my heart – sisters who have recently had a baby. Often, we bring these sisters dinners in their first week or two home and that tends to be it. Yet many women today struggle with the baby blues, and some of those are actually fighting postpartum depression – and even their visiting teachers may not realize it. In my last ward, I visit taught the same set of sisters for the entire three … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Early Promotes Health

Did you know that American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies be breastfed within the first hour of birth? Breastfeeding so soon after birth is beneficial to Mom and Baby, alike. Unfortunately, between the hustle and bustle of medical care and the euphoria of new parenthood, many doctors don’t encourage early nursing attempts and many parents simply don’t think of it or don’t know that it is an option. Breastfeeding causes contractions of the uterus which are beneficial to Mom. These contractions help the uterus clamp down and control post-partum bleeding. They can even help expel a placenta. Often, … Continue reading