When to Pray

When should you pray? On the health blog Stephanie suggested praying while walking on the treadmill. It’s a good idea. I have been known to pray while out walking along a beach or just around the neighborhood. Of course it’s important to keep eyes open but it does help to be focused. Often things you see while walking, prompt the mind about things to praise God for or bring other people into your mind as you pass their house, so you can then pray for them. While praying when out walking can be good, really there is nowhere that we … Continue reading

Problems with Having Your Own Agenda

There is a problem with having your own agenda. Actually there are a couple. One is that your agenda and what you want to do or what to happen may not be God’s plan for you or for others. The other is just as serious and one that can be extremely hurtful and divisive. Recently there were two examples where this occurred. One was by me letting my own feelings cloud the issue and say something when deep down a little voice was telling me I should keep quiet. One of these days I might learn to listen all the … Continue reading

Dreams and Desires Fulfilled

My talk on Saturday started off with my childhood dreams. At varying times in my life I wanted to be a wife and mother, a writer, a singer, a teacher and a missionary. Now anyone who knows me knows I’d be the world’s worst in a missionary situation. I am literally terrified of anything that creeps or crawls and much prefer my own home than being away. Over the years those childhood dreams had been pushed aside. I’d forgotten about them mostly. But God hadn’t. When I look back at those desires I had as a child of being a … Continue reading

A Six Year Old’s Wisdom

At school my husband and I taught a lesson about God’s command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:9 The children heard how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and because of that, friendship with God was broken, Genesis 3:1-24. The children learned that God always had a plan to rectify the situation We thought the lesson had gone pretty well, even though I saw some of the children struggling to understand how God could send His Son to make things right again by dying on the cross. In our … Continue reading

Why I’m Happy to Submit to My Husband

Feminism might throw up its collective hands in horror at the word submission, but I’m happy to submit to my husband. Why? Because it is what the Bible commands Ephesians 5:22. And no, I don’t believe Paul was a male chauvinist who didn’t appreciate women and their ministry. Paul valued the contribution made by Phoebe, Romans 16:1-2, Priscilla along with her husband Aquila, Romans 16:3-5, and I Corinthians 16:19, Mary, Romans 16: 6 , Tryphena, Tryphosa and Persis, Romans 16:12, and others he mentions throughout his letters. Although Paul wrote the words in Ephesians 5:22, they are inspired by the … Continue reading

Where Babies Come From, or, Don’t Fall Asleep on an Airplane

Since my daughter was adopted at one year old, I figured we’d have a few years before any discussion of where babies came from. What I forgot to prepare for was the fact that her older brother would be the first to ask about birth and adoption. I was caught off guard when the subject arose when my son was four. Since Patrick’s experience had led him to believe that a younger sibling arrived if your mother fell asleep on a long airplane ride, he wasn’t buying it when some of his preschool buddies informed him that their little brothers … Continue reading

Waiting Prayerfully

To wait prayerfully means allowing God to speak to you through His Word and through a time of prayer. For my devotional time I have a journal which I keep for my reflections on the bible passages I read. My bible is littered with dates written next to verses where God has spoken to me. These journals go back years and take up a lot of room in our house. But I would never part with them. Memory is at times a fickle thing. Since my journals are all dated and indexed, I can go back and see exactly what … Continue reading

Fairness, Feminism, and Radical Feminism

A while back, I wrote about radical feminists (linked below). These women tend to be anti-tradition and extreme in their thinking. They feel that women are oppressed by being wives and mothers, yet they don’t mind oppressing women themselves to make sure women make the “right” choices. Right by whose standards? It is important to note the distinction between feminists and radical feminists. I don’t want anyone to think that I am wholly against feminism. While I do not consider myself a feminist –at least not by most definitions- I do agree that overall the women’s movement has been beneficial … Continue reading

Husbands, Love Your Wives

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” (Ephesians 5:25) So, how did Christ love the church? Who is the church? We are the church. Christ loved us so much; He laid down His own life to save us. This love is the greatest that is known (please refer to John 15:13). The Bible states in Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD.” I joke around with my husband reminding him that I’m his “good thing”. As a husband feels appreciated and … Continue reading