
Yelling is something a parent should never do.  Easy to say.  Not so easy to adhere to in times of stress. I didn’t plan on writing about yelling tonight.  I didn’t plan on yelling tonight.  Who does?  As usual it wasn’t my child’s fault.  While she and her sister were clearly in the wrong and did not listen to instructions, it gives me no reason to lose control.  Yet, I did.  I am ashamed to say that yelling out of frustration is not a once in a blue moon occurrence.  It is the one thing I do that I do that … Continue reading

The Importance of Routine for a Young Child

As a person, I usually thrive more on the spontaneous rather than the routine. I tend to get inspired and follow those inspirations rather than doing the same things at the same time on the same days. That said, even I can recognize the benefit of a routine, especially when there are certain things that just need to be done. Even within a routine there can be some flexibility and spontaneity, but having a routine can make life with little ones much easier for everyone involved. Why is a routine so important for young children? Well, for one thing, a … Continue reading