Life Lessons from Isaiah 2

Yesterday we looked at life lessons from Isaiah 1. What can we learn and apply to our lives from Isaiah 2? Isaiah 2:1-5 Isaiah saw that in the last days Jerusalem would flourish and become the spiritual center of God’s kingdom from which believers would learn more of God. This is obviously talking of the time when God’s Kingdom has come for it is a time of peace and no more war, and a time when the Lord Reigns as judge. It is a challenge to each of us to think about today. How eagerly to you approach God’s Word … Continue reading

My Country

Today, January 26th as it is already in our part of the world under the Southern Cross, is Australia Day. Our branch of the Sing Australia choir sang at Australia Day celebrations at Sussex Inlet. One the whole Aussies are a laid-back bunch and not given to huge displays of patriotism unless it’s Davis Cup or some other sporting event, although across the road in our neighbor’s yard is an Australian flag which flies all year round. Others only take to sporting a flag on this special day. But this is Australia Day, more than just a public holiday, it … Continue reading

We Can TRY Not to be Too Dorky

As a rule, I do not try purposefully to embarrass my kids (which is more than I think I can say for them); in general, I try to be solid, reasonable, and not too much of an out-of-touch dork, but I think single parents can get confused and the boundaries can get blurred–we might end up either trying too hard to be our child’s “buddy” or we may get so involved in our own life that we come across as embarrassing and dorky. Of course, as our children become teenagers, they are supposed to find their parents a bit out … Continue reading

Older Kids Need to Hear You’re Proud of Them Too

When our children are small, it seems it is all encouragement and positive reinforcement. As they get older, however, those moments of pride can get fewer and farther apart. Our kids don’t always make the wisest choices and some days they may be downright unlikeable, but they still really need to hear that mom and dad are proud of them. I think that there is a great deal that we parents can learn from our children as they grow and one of the things is how to praise them for efforts, attempts, striving to be independent, and just staying in … Continue reading

Are They Doing it For Themselves…or for Mom and Dad?

There is a fine line between parental support and encouragement and pushing our children into doing the things we want them to. At least, I think this is a fine line. Even parents with the best intentions can put so much pressure on a child that the child is only doing what the parent wants—not learning how to motivate themselves and find internal rewards for activities, interests, and personal efforts. I don’t know how many times I have watched as parents forced kids out onto basketball courts or soccer fields, or heard teenagers sitting in my living room talking about … Continue reading

Pride and Service

Miriam has written a couple of blogs over the last few months about accepting help and service. As I read these, I found myself nodding in agreement. As I thought about the subject, I realized that there really is only reason we don’t ask for help when we need it: pride. When we find ourselves struggling, we need to take a good luck within and make sure that this flaw isn’t keeping us from getting the assistance we need. There are various ways that pride manifests itself within us. Some are more obvious than others. Miriam has done a wonderful … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Because of the Simpleness of the Way

One of the most puzzling stories I ever read in the Old Testament was the story of the fiery serpents sent among the Israelites. To be bitten by one of these snakes was certain death. Through the prophet Moses, God sent a way for His followers to be healed. Moses erected a bronze serpent and hung it high, where all the people could see it throughout the camp. Those who would turn their eyes to the serpent would be healed. To my disbelief, there were many who refused to look, because the way was too simple. (1 Nephi 17:41) Instead, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Submitting Cheerfully & Patiently

My intent for today’s scripture study regarding Elder Bednar’s talk was to examine the topical guide for the phrase ‘patience’. However, as I considered what forms of patience I wanted to research, I realized that I already knew the perfect story of a group of people who suffered their afflictions in remarkable patience. Those people were the followers of Alma, who endured many trials for their faith. Let me give a quick review. Alma, as you may recall, was a priest of King Noah. Along with the other wicked priests, he listened to the testimony of the prophet Abinadi; unlike … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Choose Your Feelings

Have you ever had a lesson that you have sincerely struggled over? This seems to be that lesson for me. As I have studied Elder Bednar’s talk, and scriptures related, I find myself in full agreement. When someone at church says something offensive (which is rare), I can easily shake it off. It is when the people close to me hurt me that I struggle most. I understand that I need to remove anger and resentment from my feelings, but how does one manage not to be hurt when offended by those you most love? I have struggled with this … Continue reading

Daughter of the Eagle — Don Coldsmith

Eagle Woman is a warrior sister of the People. While the other girls her age are already married and having families of their own, she is single, devoted to her calling as a fighter for her tribe. Long Walker, a young brave who has often been her rival in different challenges of strength, admires her skill and determination, but as she decides to take an unheard-of step and apply to become a full-fledged warrior, he doesn’t know whether he should applaud her or be ashamed. Eagle Woman knows she is different. Why does she want to be a warrior when … Continue reading